The Client

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Charlie's POV

I was sat with Jackie and Max, Max was still going over the letter from Emma. He had been looking over the letter for days.

Max"Know that you will always be my white knight, now they've even taken her name off her locker"

We both lean into Max.

Jackie" Poor Maxy"

Max" I can't believe they replaced her so fast"

Jackie" Yeah, it's like they want to show us how dispensable we all are"

Charlie" Max, why don't you just phone her?"

Max"You think?"

Jackie"Yeah, it's better than crying over her letter, right?"

Leo" All right, guys, Louis wants us to meet him in the lobby, Let's go"

We all get up following Leo downstairs. I sit down with Hayley and Jackie.

Aspen" Hello? We're only a point and a half ahead of the Eagles? What is this? We must do something about this"

Charlie" Let's just switch her over to the Eagles"

Jackie and Hayley both laugh and fist bump me.

Louis"As you know, we don't usually accept students in the middle of the year but Aspen and Ashley were originally accepted into the Greenhouse last year, so welcome"

Twins" Thank you"

Louis" So I know we've all had a rough time recently, I think it's time we get back to our normal Greenhouse routine, we've decided to have a pop quiz to see how much you've all really learned so far this year"

Jackie" Uh, I'm awful at those"

Charlie" Don't worry, there's probably a twist"

Louis" But there's a twist, each student will be asked one question. The goal is to put together a streak of correct answers and the team with the longest streak wins the challenge"


Jackie" No, this is worse. Not only will I fail but I'll bring everybody down with me"

Louis" The winning team gets a day off at the beach tomorrow, with an all-you-can eat barbecue!"

Aspen"I love California!"

Louis" Uh, Aspen, we'll be testing material you may have not learned yet, so you won't have to participate"

I chuckle with Jackie and Hayley.

Charlie" Ruined her day"

Louis" Okay, everyone, so, back to the clubhouse to prepare, Suzanne will be there shortly to begin the quiz"

Jackie sighed as she stood up. Hayley and I help her back to the clubhouse, once there we sit down and start to prepare for anything and everything.

Jackie" Are they testing us on the entire book?"

Charlie" Apparently it could be anything, I'm telling you now my brain is going to forget all of this"

Jackie" It's 300 pages!"

Max" Actually, it's 314 plus the appendix, some of it's just pictures though"

Ashley sits down beside me.

Ashley" You ready for this?"

Charlie" No, not at all, you are lucky you don't have to do this"

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