Bad Decisions

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Charlie's POV

Hayley, Leo and I had left the game with nothing from Jackie and Max we decided we couldn't wait any longer.

Charlie" Leo, just think our dad is in"

Leo" I know, I never thought I would be nervous to see my own dad"

Hayley" We just need to wait for someone to enter and then we can get in"

Charlie" But that could take forever"

Hayley" Yeah but how else do we get in"

Then one of the men probably working for Judy enters the cave and before it closes we all rush in, we see Marcus who locks eyes with us. He then presses something on his keyboard and it distracts the guys long enough so we can sneak into the back.

Marcus" I have to check the servers I'm sorry"

He comes over to us where we are just about hiding behind a corner.

Marcus" What are you lot doing here? You can't be here"

Hayley" Where's my mum?"

Leo" And our dad"

He gestures as he opens a door.

Marcus" Get in"

All of us run into the room Marcus has opened and we see two empty beds. Hayley walks over to one of the beds, Leo and I the other.

Hayley? Leo? Charlie?

All of us turn around and there standing in front of us, is our dad and Hayley's mum. They both look very confused.

Hayley" Mum I've missed you so much"

Charlie" Dad, I can't believe you are actually here"

Leo" Dad?"

Leo, Dad and I sat down on the bed he had been sleeping on.

Dad" How did we get here, one minute Ryan and I getting ready for lift off and now we are here"

Charlie" Dad Marcus brought you both here your spacecraft exploded"

Dad" How? How long since..."

Charlie" Almost a year"

Dad" A year? I've been here the whole time?"

Charlie" We both think so"

Dad" Look at you, my sweet girl"

He takes my face and I couldn't quite believe he was sitting here in front us, for the last year Leo and I thought he was dead and now he wasn't.

Dad" And my son, oh Leo, I hope you have been looking after each other"

Twins" Of course dad"

Leo" Dad, we both just found out that you're alive, no one knew either of you were here"

Dad" I don't understand, why didn't Marcus tell anyone?"

Leo" He couldn't, He was trying to protect you both"

Dad" Wait, he told us both to use the escape pod, how did he know?"

Charlie" Because he's working with them"

Then we turn round at the sign of voices and I see the men working for Judy standing in front of us. I instinctively lean against Leo.

Man" What is going on? Who are you?"

Ryan" I am Ryan Woods"

Dad" And I am Samuel Cruz, who the hell are you?"

All four us get pulled out of the room and through the main room where we came in. Marcus is standing there looking sorry for himself, all four us gets shoved in a cell, the one Leo and I had been trapped in before. Dad holds both Leo and I in his arms.

Ryan and Samuel" Marcus?"

Man" You knew about it, didn't you, be very thankful that you're useful to me right now, how fast can you initiate?"

Charlie" You don't have do this, Marcus"

Samuel" What is going on, Charlie?"

Charlie"They're planning another earthquake"

Man" Answer my question"

Leo" They can't do this without you"

Man" That is enough out of you, all of you, if you want these four to live, I suggest you get on with your work"

He then holds his phone to his ear.

Man" Come on! Where is that stupid Jason?

Marcus" We should probably wait for Judy"

Man" Now, don't test me, do it"

Ryan" It's all our fault"

Dad" Ryan don't say that"

Ryan" We discovered the linkage between this magnetite and seismic activity. Our goal was to prevent earthquakes"

Hayley" And they found a way to reverse it"

I am still standing with my dad when we watch Marcus whack one of the guys but it doesn't go down well. The other two men grab him and the first one punches him in the stomach, he then falls on the floor.

All" Marcus, no!"

Charlie" What are they doing?"

Leo" What are you smiling about? You're gonna rot in jail for the rest of your life"

Man" Oh, no.I don't think so, see, I just wired a time bomb to the magnetite.The explosion will destroy the entire Greenhouse, and by the time they'll clear the debris, I'll be, oh, so far away from here. So, enjoy your reunion.You've got about two and a half minutes to catch up"

I stare at Leo and Dad anxiously, is this end.

Story Notes
So The Twins and Hayley finally reunite with their mum and dad but find they might only have two minutes to do so.

Authors Notes
Let me know what you think of this. I'm planning to try and get back to writing this.

Thanks X

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