The Spiral

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Charlie's POV

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Charlie's POV

Hayley, Daniel and I were back in the lab, we had to make a quick get away when the lights came back on.

Daniel" What am I gonna tell Brooke when she wakes up?"

Charlie" You can start by telling her she's not really your girlfriend"

Daniel" I hadn't thought about that"

Charlie" Hey you're doing the right thing, Daniel"

Hayley" We should start writing down the instructions"

Hayley then searches her pockets.

Charlie" What's the matter Hayley?"

Hayley"Shoot, I can't find the marker Daniel gave me, I must have dropped it, No no. What if I dropped it in Marcus's room?

Daniel" Hey.It's okay.Marcus wouldn't notice an alien sitting on this table"

Hayley" I feel so stupid"

Charlie" You don't need to feel stupid Hayley it was an honest mistake"

Hayley" Thanks, okay what calms Brooke down? You must know"

We both look at Daniel.

Daniel" Um Oh, I know.Oreo.It's her favourite teddy bear"

Charlie" Oooo I could go for Oreo Ice cream"

Daniel and Hayley stare at me.

Charlie" Sorry"

Hayley" She has a teddy bear?"

Daniel" Well it's actually a panda bear.I can stop by Louis's house to go get it"

Charlie" Okay, what else?"

Daniel" Uh she likes massages"

Charlie" Way too much information"

Hayley" Okay, look.It says here that we also need a hypnotic spiral"

Daniel" Really? I thought that stuff was only used in old sci-fi movies. Where do we even find one?"

Hayley" I know, Max!"

Daniel" Sure we can trust him?"

Hayley" Absolutely"

Charlie" Max wouldn't hurt a fly, we can trust him, we should ask Max and Jackie.They make a great team"

Daniel" If you are both sure? All right, well, then, we gotta do this quick.
You two find Max, I'll find Louis, all right?"

Hayley and I headed back to the clubhouse where Max and Jackie were sitting at one of the tables. Hayley and I slide in next to them.

Max" A spiral? Are you serious?"

Hayley" Yes, just follow these instructions"

Max" Are you sure this is gonna work?"

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