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after she got done complaining, she then started speaking again, and due to the way her face looked, you knew it wasn't good.

she sighs, and then looks at you. "i suppose i should tell you, that that balladeer asshole is coming to join us for the rest of the week. his ship got destroyed because his stupid ass assistant exploded something in the kitchen and is now in the infirmary, and may not be able to walk for the rest of his life. currently, he is looking for a new assistant that is unfortunately, coming from your class. just know, that if that person ends up being you, i will sincerely apologize." she rubs her temples because of her stress, and takes a sip from her traditional snezhnayan tea.

a/n: foreshadowing...MUAHAHAHAHA

you take a bite from your porridge, only wondering what if it would be like to be his personal his assistant; his responsibility. in a way, you could say he would basically own you. 'the balladeer's property', they would say. of course, aside from that, you knew it would also be madness. he'd never treat you with respect, not even think you were an actual human being; he was the bishop, and you were the pawn. your thoughts were abruptly interrupted by signora; "whatcha thinking about?" she looks you up and down, making you think you don't even have to answer that question— her intellect is so strong that its almost as if she can read your mind.

"I was...just thinking about what it would be like being his assistant. the mania, chaos... " you keep speaking about how being his assistant would be, not knowing that scaramouche was actually listening in on the conversation, arms crossed, and with a sly look on his face, knowing you were indeed the person he was going to choose after your 4 years of training. of course, he was going to have placeholder assistants, and throw them out once he thought they were becoming useless. but you? no, he knew that you were young and vulnerable, meaning you were easy to manipulate; easy to use. or so he thought. no, you were so much more than that. you knew that if he was your master, he would use every chance he could to exploit his power, and you simply wouldn't give it to him. in fact, you would use it to hurt him; hurt his pride, to not give him the satisfaction he oh so wished for.

"well, I suppose we should start training again, yes?" signora declared, leading to you agreeing with her and to go get changed out of your dress clothes, and into your training clothes signora had gifted you after your first day of training yesterday, which consisted of a white sports bra with a gray fatui emblem on the back, and black leggings with a pair of white tennis shoes.

time skip bc im rlly rlly rlly bad at writing action/training scenes

as training ended, you and signora were conversing with each other as you spoke and laughed with each other before signora got to your dorm room. "goodnight, my little shiny perle." she spoke softly, giving you a soft kiss on the forehead. her lips were warm and wet. as she kissed you, your eyes widened and your face grew red. she left in a swift manner, leaving you dumbfounded. you opened the door, and as soon as you laid down, you felt warm and loved, and fell asleep with no trouble, as you usually did.

another a/n (IM SORRY FOR ALL THE INTERRUPTIONS AHHHHHHHHHH): anyways perle means pearl in german bc signoras from mondstadt and mondstadt = germany yk

ever since your parents died, you had trouble sleeping, due to the scene of your parents dismembered bodies replaying in your mind constantly. it never stopped. but tonight, was different. it was different because for the first time in a year, you felt like you weren't alone; you had a friend. to you, signora felt like that friend who also played as a mother figure time after time. she never stopped worrying about you, was always helping you through the bumps in life, and was just always there, and even when it got annoying, it still felt amazing knowing someone who wasn't related to you loved you dearly. signora reminded you of someone you once knew, someone who was always by your side, someone who was extremely annoying at times, and never stopped reminding you of how irritating mothers could be; your dear friend mona.

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