Chapter 7

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-3D POV-

Our scene opens to the next class of the day. The combat class. Through today was different, today Glynda decided to test the students to see how long they will last against grimm. This process consists of each student fighting waves of different grimm and with each wave the difficulty, amount and type of grimm will rise. They have a special system for that and it helps them train and improve against different types of grimm. So far most students couldn't get past wave 4(25 beowulfs, 20 boarbatusk, 3 death stalkers, 1 nevermore) which disappointed Glynda. Soon it was RWBY turn and their results were a bit better.

Ruby - Wave 6 (50 beowulfs, 45 boarbatusks, 10 death stalkers, 5 nevermores, 2 king taijitsu, 1 goliath)

Weiss - Wave 6

Blake -Wave 5 (40 beowulfs, 30 boarbatusks, 5 death stalkers, 2 nevermores, 1 king taijitsu)

Yang - Wave 5

Y/N's team also did decent.

Manu - Wave 6

Yorra - Wave 6

Ada - Wave 7 (60 beowulfs, 55 boarbatusks, 15 death stalkers, 10 nevermores, 3 king taijitsu, 1 beringel, 2 goliath)

Glynda: So far nothing too impressive. Ada Taurus got the furthest so far failing at Wave 7. Now Mr Atlas please step into the simulator so we can get started.

Y/N nodded and walked into it and decided to test out one of his new weapons. The cannon appeared on his left hand and he set the mode to "Grimm extermination" while in his right hand appeared crucible. Some people were weirded out by his weapon choice while Ruby was having the time of her life while looking at the cannon. Y/N nodded at Glynda and she started the simulation. What they didn't notice though was that Summer, Raven and Quill walked into the room when the simulation started.

Wave 1

Just 10 beowulfs. Y/N did a quick job just by using the crucible which in return as soon as the grimm touched the blade they disintegrated into nothingness. Which shocked averyone.

Wave 2

15 beowulfs and 5 boarbatusks. Same story, they just went poof.

Wave 3

20 beowulfs, 10 boarbatusks, 1 death stalker. Not much but it made him put a little effort.

Wave 4

25 beowulfs, 20 boarbatusk, 3 death stalkers, 1 nevermore. Y/N used his cannon to deal with the annoying bird.

Wave 5

40 beowulfs, 30 boarbatusks, 5 death stalkers, 2 nevermores, 1 king taijitsu. Y/N had to dodge a few strikes from the big ass snake.

Wave 6

50 beowulfs, 45 boarbatusks, 10 death stalkers, 5 nevermores, 2 king taijitsu, 1 goliath. Despite being forced to throw the crucible into the goliath nothing new.

Wave 7

60 beowulfs, 55 boarbatusks, 15 death stalkers, 10 nevermores, 3 king taijitsu, 1 beringel, 2 goliath. This time Y/N ran around the field and dodged all of the grimm but was also caught off guard when the beringel jumped on him.

Wave 8

This is where things got different. This wave consisted of 5 Nuckelavee, 5 griffons and 1 apathy. In this wave Y/N now needed to cut the grimm in two to kill them as they no longer disintegrated by touch. The griffons died from 2 shots of the cannon at 1 percent power. Apathy was dealt with first.

Wave 9

10 Nuckelavee, 10, griffons, 5 apathy and 5 manticores. This time Y/N decided to show off a little so he tried to focus energy on the blade of the crucible and launched a 360 Cresent slash which killed all the grimm on the ground and he just shot 3 manticores that were in the air.

Wave 10

This is where things got serious. At least that's what people thought. This wave consisted of only one grimm. That grimm being the wyvern. Even though it was nowhere near their original size it still had the same strength and durability as well as abilities. It gave Y/N a little trouble of getting close to it as because of its smaller size it was quicker and was able to dodge Y/N's shots. He finally got the chance to split it in two by distracting it with a few shots from the cannon forcing the wyvern to dodge and it also gave him the opening to throw the crucible like a spear which ended up impaled into the wyvern's head. As the grimm wanished Y/N took back crucible and his weapons disappeared. He looked at Glynda who was looking at him in shock. But soon she came back to her senses.

Glynda: Ahem. I must say I didn't expect you to complete the waves.

Y/N: Eh. It was kinda easy. Killing the hydra was way harder then this.

Students: 'EASY!?/HYDRA!?/WHAT THE FUCK!?'

Certain someone: 'FUCK ME! PLEASE!'

Glynda: Is that so. But don't get to full of yourself. This was on easy mode. There still are normal, hard, extreme and impossible. So if you wish you can attempt to beat them but one of the teachers must be present when you do so.


Glynda: That's all for today children. You're free to go.

The students were starting to leave the room but before Y/N could leave an exited Ruby and Summer ran over to him and started to ask him questions but he wasn't able to hear what they were saying. Though Yang and Raven pulled them away from him and calmed them down. The teams went to the cafeteria while the adults left to do their own things. Y/N and his team sat with RWBY, as JNPR left to their dorm, and they were soon approached by Velvet who joined them. While eating they chatted a bit and talked about the things they were going to do today as they had no more lessons. Unknown to them a tall dark skinned, white haired bunny faunus approached their table and hugged Velvet from behind and picked her up which caused the smaller rabbit to yelp.

???: How's my little girl doing!?

After getting out of the shock Velvet looked at the person and was shocked to see

Velvet: MOM!?

Velvet: MOM!?

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Y/N: Hey Ms.Scarlatina.

Daisy: Oh please Y/N. I told you to call me Daisy.

Velvet: Mom why are you here!?

Daisy: Well while cleaning the house I noticed that you forgot your bunny plushies so I brought some of them here for you and already left them at your dorm.

Y/N: You still have those Velvet?

Daisy: She sure does.

Ruby: Umm, if you don't mind me asking, what are you talking about?

Y/N: About different bunny plushies Velvet has.

Daisy: And she has a lot of them let me tell you. If I was to put all of them into a decent sized room they would take more than half of the said room. Oh and my baby looks so adorable when she sleeps with them. Always hugging at least 7 of them.

Velvet: *extremely embarrassed* MOM!!


I decided to make the chapters shorter so the book would be longer.

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