Chapter 8

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-3D POV-

Daisy: -and then she was so embarrassed that she passed out and fell into all of the plushies and our bunnies surrounded her and some even jumped onto her and just slept there.

If you're confused then let me tell you what was happening. After a brief introduction Daisy was telling stories of Velvet when she was small and Y/N would join in in the moments when he knew that he was there when it happened. And as you probably guessed by now Velvet was a HUGE blushing mess and was trying to shut Daisy up but it wasn't working.

Ruby: Awwww!

Weiss: Those were some very nice stories miss Scarlatina but we need to get to our next class.

Daisy: Well alright then. You kids have fun. Oh and Velvet your uncle said that he missed you.

She then gave her daughter a long hug and left. The group looked at Velvet who was trying to hide her face and blush with her ears.

 The group looked at Velvet who was trying to hide her face and blush with her ears

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Everyone: 'CUTE!!'

After that they went to their class but on their way there they heard the speakers turn on.

Speaker: Y/N Atlas please head to the headmasters office. I repeat, Y/N Atlas please head to the headmasters office.

Blake: You didn't do anything stupid did you?

Y/N: No, I don't think so. Well I'll see you guys later then.

With that they separated and Y/N went to the elevator because it was close and went up to Ozpin's office where he found him as always sitting at his desk and drinking his hot cocoa.

Y/N: You needed me Oz?

Ozpin: Yes, I have a mission for you.

Y/N: Wait what? Aren't we supposed to get missions after the Festival?

Ozpin: Normally yes but this is a special case. Your mission will be to assist a professional huntress in a search and destroy mission. I have a weird felling that something will happen so I want to send someone strong enough to assist her.

Y/N: Then why didn't you just send some huntsmen?

Ozpin: Because everyone who I know is strong enough are already on the missions. So when you came to mind I decided that you'll be the one.

Y/N: Are you sure I'm a good choice? I'm just a student.

Ozpin: Yet you took down a hydra grimm alone when it takes over 20 huntsman to kill it.

Y/N: Point taken. When do I leave?

Ozpin: Right now. Get your gear and go to bullhead 5. It'll take you to a village where the person will be waiting for you.

Y/N: Alright then.

With that he left and went to get his gear. He decided to take only his katana plus if needed he always had his cannon and crucible ready. And he also wore something to match it. He then went to bullhead 5 and when he told the pilot that they can leave the bullhead took off and Y/N sat down and closed his eyes.

The Son Of The Crow (Male Reader x RWBY) (Rewrite) [DISCONTINUED unfortunately]Where stories live. Discover now