Chapter 10

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-3D POV-

Right now in the room with 9 huge monitors on the wall Y/N was standing text to the same commander from before with Thorn still pointed at his head. Soon the monitors turned on and 9 people were seen.

??? 1: What is the emergency? And who's that!?

Commander: Sir. This is the emergency I informed you about. He just appeared out of nowhere stopping the execution and killed one of our soldiers.

??? 3: What is the meaning of this?! Answer us boy!

Y/N: I'm the one here who demands answers. What did those people do for you to kill them?

??? 4: They broke the law and went against the nation. They don't agree that we rule with an iron fist.

Y/N: With and iron fist eh? Well tough luck because this will change. Either that or you all will die.

??? 8: How dare you boy! You dare to threaten the council of Vale!!

Y/N: Council of Vale?! So this nation is called Vale huh? I'm really disappointed on what it has become.

??? 3: What do you mean boy?

Y/N: I'm from the past. The past Remnant. Where Vale was still a great kingdom with people living peacefully. What happened that made it like this!?

??? 9: Rebellion. The apocalypse happened and the strong survived. We don't know how the people were able to resist the grimm but we lost their knowledge. Now we hide behind huge walls from those creatures.

Y/N: What about faunus? Aura? Semblances?

??? 7: We don't know what those are. But the faunus, we killed them all. Humans are a Supreme race that will strive and rise to godhood.

This statement angered Y/N greatly. To say such thing these fools must be either dumb or have balls of steel.

Y/N: Well then. If that's how this world now is then I don't see the reason why I shouldn't kill all of you.

Y/N then shot the commander, killing him and left the room and the building. As he was walking he noticed all of the soldiers running around in panic. He recognized the girl from before and stopped her.

Y/N: What the hell is going on!

Girl: The elder grimm is approaching the base! We don't have enough fire power to bring it down! We all need to evacuate!

She ran away and Y/N channeled the aura in his legs and jumped up. He looked around and saw a giant Nevermore approaching the base. The Nevermore was huge, 3 times bigger then the grimm dragon, it also had 6 wings. When Y/N landed he saw that the soldiers were panicking.

Y/N: They won't be fast enough to run.

Then happened what no one expected. As the grimm howevered over the base Y/N felt the familiar weight on his back and when he looked he saw that he had his wings. Then there was a loud crash and when Y/N looked back he saw 2 giant red eyes looking at him. For some reason he found those eyes familiar. Then, to his surprise, from those two eyes came tears and the Nevermore gently nuzzled Y/N. Then it hit him.

Y/N: Little one. Is that you?

The Nevermore purred softly and Y/N patted it.

Y/N: What happened? What forced the world to become like this?

He looked into the Nevermore eyes and he saw something. The images, humans cornering grimm. Faunus attacking the humans. Them fighting and killing off faunus. Grimm evolving and killing everyone.

The Son Of The Crow (Male Reader x RWBY) (Rewrite) [DISCONTINUED unfortunately]Where stories live. Discover now