Chapter 2 Part 2-Exploring

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I open the door and the stench hits me like a rock, I hold my nose so does Jason. The house is a wreck, it looks like no one has been here for weeks. " Can we please get out of here Daisy." Jason says. "No not yet I feel like I need to look around." I say. I walk around the living room, nothing interesting yet. No upstairs, but there is one more door in the kitchen. I reach for the door knob as i hear some one say " Hello? Who is there?" Jason and I look at each other... "Umm hi Uhh we didn't think anyone was here um well leave." I say.

A girl about my age comes out from the other room I some how did not see. "Who are you? I don't think i have ever seen you here before." She said. "I-I um well my brother and just moved here about a week ago with our mother. So today she went shopping so we uh where Exploring." The girl walks around us and turns to the door and points and says " That explains why I have never seen you and was the door unlocked?" I look at Jason he reply's " Yes the door was unlocked and we are sorry for coming in on you we will be leaving now nice meeting you." We start to walk to the door when she stops us. "Can I come with you my family has left me and I have been living alone for a while now. I want to be friends." She says. " Sure, what is your name?" I ask. " My name is Chloe!"

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