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While a life time is full of choices, we still do not have the option to choose from A to D, neither do we have the option to pick from 1 to 4. The only life's supposed choices are to live the the pre-determined life; fate, or to to create our own lives which is not an option opened to possibility. 

   There are two same but different things; fate, destiny. The fate and destiny of every individual is unknown except known by a means that is above the natural realms and except known in the moment of sudden realization. This fate or destiny can only be perceived until it is realized. The fate wether known or unknown can only be altered by the creation of a so called new reality; destiny. What distinguishes the former from the later? Could they have the same meanings?
While the two is obviously dependant on a programmed or a pre-determined course or constant, we still can say fate is mostly associated with "the now" and destiny with "the much later"; the future. It is known for a so called fact that destiny in our minds can be altered but a question should be asked. Did the creator create us so we could create ourselves? Can you put a life that is not your own in your own hands? Do we try to create our own destinies because we suddenly came to that place of realization that we were destined for greatness? Do we not know that not knowing what we were initially created for and that suddenly realizing it doesn't change the fact that it was already our destiny from the onset and we didn't create it much later? We only realized it! We never created it! We cannot create a destiny, we can only live it!

Destinies can only be altered when we are not living in the original purpose i.e It was altered before we realized what life we could have and not after we realize it because after realization comes living.

In knowledge that we cannot create our destinies, we are bestowed with NO OPTION but to live the original purpose wether it matches our definition of good or wether it does not, wether it matches our definition of greatness or wether it does not, it is still for a fact our destinies.

Many might not ever come to this place of realization, many might keep living in their altered destinies, but those that come into this realization must compellingly live in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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