Chapter 8: Kelly's POV

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It's been a couple days. I don't have to go to school. But I do have a doctors appointment, I've been sick. Even on my birthday. Not that anything happened, but I got a new computer! Which means I've been on my new computer all day for the 3 days. I've been on Fantasy Dreams almost the entire time. I've been roleplaying for different things. The main one is Soul Eater, so I like anime. The others are Fairy Tail and OHSHC. Hehe oops.. I have one that's freestyle. Bella stops by every day to see me. She has a boyfriend now who is named Conrad. He is nice, I've met him a couple times.
~time skip by hug dealers~
I'm at the doctor's and I have no clue what he is saying. They did blood work and stuff. My "dad" starts looking concern. I guess I'll find out later.
~another time skip by Takashi Morinozuka (for anime fans or rather OHSHC fans)~
It's a day later
I'm doing better so I'm going to school tomorrow. Also my "dad" is letting dye my hair on Friday (it's Wednesday)! I don't know what color though I'm thinking red, purple, or blue. Maybe multi-colored?  The troll and her pet have gone on vacation, probably to get away from me. They won't be back till Sunday, thankfully. Oh and Bella is bringing Conrad with her when she comes to see me.
(Bella & Conrad are here)
Bold- Conrad italics- Bella normal- Kelly
Hey Bella! And I assume you are Conrad.
Hey K! How are you feeling ?
Umm hi Kelly (Conrad whispers to Bella)
I'm feeling better.. I'm going to school tomorrow. If I could get a ride?
Yeah yeah K of course. (Whispers back to Conrad)
~what is something in my hair? What are they whispering about?!~
Umm thanks Bella..
Anytime K I have to get going so see you tomorrow! (Takes Conrad's hand and walks out)
Uh yeah bye.
What the heck was that about? I rush to the bathroom to see if there is anything in my hair. Nope nothing. My teeth? Nope. Was my eyeliner messed up? Nope. Not even my wings. Did I have a stain on my shirt. Nada. I wonder.. Anyway I need to start cleaning before "dad" gets home from work. What does he even do? I'll ask when he gets back. I pick up the broom and start sweeping, even till I hear a screech and someone screaming. That's Bella's scream..
I run outside, dropping the broom when I saw what happened. I totally forgot I still had it. I almost started crying when I saw what happened. It is awful. Bella's car had crashed in one of the buildings. It was her shop. Then I snapped out of whatever I was in when I heard crying, Bella crying. I run up to see where she is. Conrad was driving and was killed on impact and Bella was pinned under the car. I pulled out my emergency phone, that my "dad" gave me incase I got worse and I got the police. I almost called 911 but I didn't know if that was the emergency number down here, I've never had to call it before. When I told them what happened they were here is minutes. While that happened I was trying to talk to Bella.
Yeah, it's me. Don't worry I call people who are going to help.
What about Conrad?
Uh.. He was killed on impact. I'm really sorry Bella.
He-he can't be dead. There's no way.
Bella... You know I wouldn't lie about something like this.
-Bella starts crying again-
Bella. It's going to be alright, but you have to be strong for me okay? The EMTs are here. And they are going to help.
(Officer) Excuse me, are you the little lady that called us?
Umm yes officer?
I'm Officer Matthews.
~he looks like he is 18.. Not that much older than me. He's kinda cute. Bella would like him. Be-Bella-
(Voice cracking) u-umm I-I'm K-k-kelly. M-my friend B-Bella is p-pinned under t-he car. -points to the car-
I'm sorry. But you are going to need to back up while the EMTs look at your friend here.
-sniffles- yes of course. Uh I'll be over here.
Does your friend have any family members?
Uh no, she doesn't. She ran away.
I see, well I'm going to call your parents or should you?
I'll call them, thank you for helping my friend.
After that I pulled out my emergency phone again to call my "dad". He wasn't answering, but when I told the officer, he said to call my foster troll. That's the last thing I want to do. But I have to do what an officer says don't I?
I dial my troll's number. She answers.
What do you want?
Umm can you tell Daniel (that's my foster fathers real name) to call me?
And why would I do that?
Because the law says so.
What do you mean?
Bella got in a wreck and the officer wants Daniel to come pick me up.
Were you in the car?
Uh- no I wasn't.
The officer says that you need to call Daniel right now.
Well and who says this "officer" is even real?
(At this point I hand the phone over to Officer Matthews. And told him what's going on)
Ma'am this is Officer Matthews. You need to contact your husband for your foster child. She needs a real adult here that she can trust. If you can't abide by that then I'm going to have to write you down.
Oh of course officer I will call my husband right away, sorry for my foster child's inconvenience. She is so messed up.
(Officer Matthews then hangs up on her)
So that's your foster mom?
Uh yeah. -rubs the back of my neck-
She was uh pleasant.
You don't need to lie to me. Umm is Bella going to be already?
-Daniel makes it to the scene-
Daniel- bold Officer Matthews- italics Kelly- normal
Hey Daniel.
Are you okay? Vicky (foster troll's name) said you were getting arrested.
No. Bella get into a wreck.
Speaking of that she is pinned under the car and....
Cliffhanger!! Whahahaha guess yall have to wait!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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