Chapter 1- Lilith's POV

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Make-up done. Hair done. I'm ready for hell, I mean school. They're close enough anyway. I knew today was going to be horrid. My sleep schedule was ruined and the internet exists, so waking up early in the morning for school again was dreadful. Not to mention I now had to deal with the idiotic human population for the next 8 agonizing hours. Fun.

I checked the clock. It was 7:20, and I had to get my ass out the door or else I would miss the bus. I grabbed my ear buds and shouted a goodbye to my mother and father who had just woken up and were scrambling to get ready. As I walked down the driveway, I untangled my headphones and plugged them into my phone. I scrolled through my music taste as I walked along the side of the road, trying to not step in the mud or get hit by a car. Thankfully it was a short walk to the bus stop. I stood at the bus stop, a muddy street corner, and waited for the bright yellow bus to appear. I stood there with my head down, trying not to meet anyone else's eyes. It was way too early for human interaction.

When the bus finally pulled up I crossed over, mumbled a quick hello to the bus driver, then shuffled to my seat. No one else was sitting there so I had the whole seat to myself this morning. The bus was silent, so I turned my music down just a tiny bit. I sat with my back up against the window and scrolled through Instagram on my phone. My feed was filled with band members, Tumblr pictures, and black and white pictures of trees. The usual. I posted a picture of one of the poems I wrote and added the caption "Going to hell, wish me luck.". I turned off my phone and just sat there listening to my music the rest of the way to school. When we turned into the parking lot, I shut down my phone and shoved it to the bottom of my book bag. I sat on the edge of my seat, waiting for the bus to stop and let us all off this contraption. Went the doors opened, I sprang up and hopped off a bus, spitting a quick goodbye to the driver first.

I walked into the gymnasium upon entering the building, and just stared at the amount of people in the bleachers. There was no way I wanted to scale it. Of course, my friends always sat at the very top. Against my own wishes, I plunged right into the mass of people, almost falling on a few people on the way up. My head was already pounding. I hated school. When I finally reached the top, I sat down in the middle of all my friends.

"Hey Lilith!" Cayla shouted, trying to be able to be heard over the noise.

"Heyo!" I shouted back with a large smile on my face. I couldn't help it. Leave me alone and you won't see me smile once, put me with friends and you won't see me frown a single time. How deceiving it is. I put my book bag on my lap and listened in on other people's conversations. Talk about homework seemed to be very popular. It appeared that very few people had done their work over break, and those who did were being attacked.

"Hey Lilith! Whatcha' do over break?" Cynthia asked me.

"Oh you know, went on Tumblr, listened to music, slept until noon. The usually! You?" I replied quickly. I had never been one to think before I spoke, which comes in trouble sometimes.

"Ugh it was horrible. I had to be up before 8 AM every day." She said with a pout. "Plus my house was really noisy and my doors kept getting slammed and I was blamed for it."

"That must suck." I told her. We chatted a little bit before the bell rang and we all had to go to class. Now hell had really become reality. I couldn't wait.

Today was a B-Day. Great. I had computers today, which is normally a great thing but I sat next to a really annoying kid that would always talk about how "emo" I was. Granted I do wear a lot of black and happened to like bands that screamed a lot but that doesn't give anyone permission to call you emo and ask if you cut yourself. I had science first, and so I went over to the end of the hall to get to class. I looked over everyone quickly and saw everyone sharing a similar aura. Yes, I said aura. Everyone's aura was relatively gray and small. Some peoples were practically non-existent. Nobody seemed to be extremely happy today. I couldn't blame them, who wants to go to a building full of anxiety and stress? Only the crazies I guess...

As the day progressed I gradually got grumpier. I loathed school. I wanted to crawl away the entire day and go listen to music, but of course I had to continue to socialize and endure hell. I kept singing the same few lines of The Fallout by Crown The Empire the entire day.

"No one will take the fall.

We're all so comfortable with living in our sheltered holes.

No one will take the fall.

But if we try to we could all change the world." I sang quietly to myself, worried others would hear me. I tried to focus on my work, but it was hopeless. I couldn't concentrate for the life of me. Luckily we had only 10 more minutes of class left, so I could finally listen to my music. If music wasn't a thing, I have no idea where I would be now. Probably a mental hospital. Yeah, that sounds about right.

The bell finally rang and I pulled out my phone and earbuds immediately. I plugged them in and pulled up the music app. I scrolled through all of the songs until I found The Fallout, and then I hit play. I walked out of the classroom at the bus bell and headed down to my bus- #203. I walked halfway down the bus line until I finally found it. I hopped on, went to the first available seat there was, and then just closed my eyes. I knew I had about 40 minutes until we got to my stop, therefore I could probably take a quick nap as long as-

"Hi Lilith!!!" A shrill voice exclaimed. I groaned softly on the inside, not wanting to deal with Ariana today. She was the sweetest person ever, but boy did she get annoying really fast.

"Oh, hi Ariana, I thought you had Science Olympiad today?"

"Noooo, that's tomorrow! And why are you sitting in the front today! Nothing fun happens here." She pouted. Her aura was a bright gold color, which is its color 24/7. It always gave me a headache.

"Sorry, I just don't feel well," I lied "but you can sit in the back without me. I'll be fine." I said with a small smile.

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you alone if you're feeling bad!" She said, sounding genuine.

"Yeah yeah, go ahead I don't mind."

"Okay, see ya!" She said as she bounced to the back.

As I closed my eyes again Lead Me Out Of The Dark by Crown The Empire came on and I smiled. Someone had sat next to me, but I didn't care and I just continued to sit with my eyes closed and listen to my music. It was nice being able to relax.

Next thing I knew it was my stop and I had to walk another 4 blocks home. I blasted my music and walked home quickly. I had quite a bit of homework to do and I needed a color-free environment. Aura's could be headache inducing if they're too bright and I saw them for too long. When I finally got to my house, I put my bag on the counter, grabbed a bag of chips, and began to do my homework. My mom wouldn't be home until 11 and my dad 10. They both worked two jobs, trying to make enough to cover bills, college for me, and just whatever else we needed. I didn't mind them not being home often. I actually enjoyed being alone. It's nice to not have to worry about others or have to continue a strained relationship.

As soon as I finished my homework and about half the bag of chips, I went to bed. I was exhausted even though it was only 9 PM. I was knocked out cold the minute my head hit my pillow.


HI guys! Cal here! This is supposed to be a collaboration between me and a few of my other friends. The names here may change when they create their own character. If no character is created (AHEM AHEM AHEM) I will create a character for them. We might also host contests and do random stuff. :3 If you like the story, tell us please! Constructive criticism is also welcomed! Thank ya mah potatos!



NOTE: they created their characters so like yeah. we is up and running now.yayayayayayayaayyayaayayayayayayay!

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