Chapter 4: Kelly's POV

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"Ugh!" I screamed to the top of my lungs. Me and my foster sister are in a fight again. I storm out of the shack we call a house and run down the street to Bella's. Bella is 28 and runs a small shop, but she is easily one of my best friends. She is the only one I can talk to on this crap island (sorry for anyone that lives in Barbados, it's just the foster family). When I got there Bella was already outside with her arms out. She was the only one that knew when I was honestly depressed.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Stupid Lacey was picking a fight again about my online life," I said with a long sigh.

"They don't understand you, it will get better when I take you to the US like we always dreamed!" She said trying to cheer me up, it surprisingly worked.

"Yeah," I said smiling.

****time skip brought to you by Butt Oranges!!!****

I was walking home, I hope that my foster parents don't find out I skipped school today. I mean it wouldn't be the first time. Everyone is just so stupid. I put my hair up and prepare to walk into the hellhole. I mean it is hard enough that tomorrow is my birthday. I walk into the entire family waiting for me. "Family meeting" they call it.

"Oh.. Hey, sorry for being late." I chuckle slightly. "I stopped by Bella's for something."

"We figured." My foster mother says. Oh no they know I skipped..

"Umm, anything new?" I say trying to sound normal.

"Anything you want to tell us?"

I sigh, uh oh, straight face activate! "What do you mean? I told you where I was. Nothing happened while I was gone right?"

"Lacey just informed us that you guys had a fight this morning." "Mother," said. That's what she makes me call her but I call her troll.

I try to hold in my sigh of relief. "Oh, that, umm well what did she tell you?"

"She said that you smacked her." Troll said angrily. But my foster father which is the only one I like rolls his eyes at the troll.

"That's not what happened.." I said looking the troll straight in the eyes.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Gosh, that troll needs a better temper, she yells way too much.

"I didn't smack anyone. I wouldn't want to break one of my bracelets over something's stupid face." Not the best come back, but I'm tired, give me a rest.

"Well, you better listen here young lady and you better show some respect! ! We took you in when your real parents left you in the gutters!" She did not just say that. I couldn't hold in my anger anymore.

"My parents didn't leave in the gutters. They were killed and you know that! If you ever say anything cross towards my parents again, I swear."

"Swear what? You can't do anything. No one will take you in." She had the horrid smirk, I wish I could smack that right off her smug face.

"Well at least my mom could have her own children." Yeah that's right. Lacey isn't her biological daughter. Just a fake. A replacement. Same as me.

"How dare you?" Guess I hit a nerve.

"I never asked to be place here. You don't treat me like I'm a human being. I am real, a real human." I said just above a whisper.

"Well if you were human, you would shed a tear or few. I have only seen hate and anger from you." She retailiated.

I look at my foster father and man is he pissed but he won't do anything, he never does. "Maybe that's because I'm not weak like some people, I can't no won't be seen weak, especially in front of you."

"Well you will seem weak if you don't eat again, and you won't be eating till you say sorry to Lacey." The troll glares.

I raise an eyebrow, "Guess I won't be eating then."

After all of that I went down the hall to the closet the troll calls a room. Flop onto my mattress and open my laptop. Turns out some of my friends were on. Although we don't use our real names... Well I don't. I go by "kcute" on there but I told them my real name once. Maybe they remember? I have been on this site for a year, but I want some new friends. Anyway I got a really bad headache and took some pills and then fell asleep on my laptop.

When I was awakened by some screaming. Guess who left her music playing? Me again, opps. I look and see that is 3:48. Seems like a reasonable time to get up.

I sneak around the house to see if anyone is up, and thankfully the coast is clear. So I grab some food and rush back to my computer. I just can't get enough of this one site, it's called Fantasy Dreams. Since its for people all over the world, someone has to be up to talk. I also just love talking to the noobs of the site. You know the ones who can't roleplay correctly.

I already have 3 under my wing. But they aren't very interesting, well what can you do? Hope the troll doesn't catch me eating. But I did lose those extra pounds for her "punishments". Gosh she is a pain. I wonder if I will be transferred to another foster home soon. I hope so and I don't. I don't want to leave Bella. I look at the clock once more "7:12". Well I better get going to prison *cough* school. I can't believe that I have to wear a stupid uniform. It's so humiliating, it has a skirt. Ugh, maybe if I leave now I can get out before the troll wakes up. So I sneak out in the hallway and see my foster father.

"Oh hello Kelly, how are you?" He smiled, first time I've seen someone smile at me in 2 years.

"Umm good, is she up?"

"Nope, you are clear. But if you could actually go to school today please, I can't cover for you every time." Another smile.

"Yeah of course. Sorry about that," I smile back, well what's left of my smile. After that I ran to Bella's and she gave me a ride to school. It wasn't a bad day, maybe I'll go to school more often.

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