Chapter 1

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"Alexa! Time for school" my mother announces from the bottom of the stairs.

A groan escapes my mouth, and I glance at the digital clock on my dresser. 7:15 am

Reluctantly, I pull myself from my nice warm bed. The morning air is cold against my skin, and I rush across the hall to the bathroom shower to find warmth. I embrace the warm water, but too soon am I interrupted by boisterous knocking on the bathroom door.

"Alexa! Hurry up! I have to take one too!" My twin brother Corey yells through the locked door.

I shut off the water and step out, wrapped in a white towel.

"Finally" Corey complains, shoving past me and into the now vacated bathroom.

I return to my room and prep for school, as I do any other morning. I straighten my blonde hair and apply mascara to my top and bottom lashes. I've never been one for wearing much makeup.

I slip on a band tee shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. To complete my look, I slip on a pair of my worn, black converse.

I practically wear almost the same outfit everyday, a tee shirt, a pair of jeans, and sneakers.

Once more, my mom calls up the stairs to hurry me along. I grab my school bag and exit the room.

Downstairs, my drunken father is passed out on the sofa, Snoring loudly and mumbling something too inaudible to be distinguished.

We basically live without him on a daily basis. He's the front man of a band called Avenged Sevenfold so he's usually on tour, but even when he's home it's almost like he doesn't exist. During the day, he writes new music for his band. at night, he's out getting drunk. And in the morning, he's passed out on the living room sofa. It's an endless cycle that hardly ever changes. I can't even remember the last time I had a real conversation with him.

A car horn honks outside. I peer out the curtains to find my boyfriend, Austin waiting for me. Every morning, he picks Corey and I up for school.

"Corey, Austin is here!" I shout up the stairs in the direction of Corey's room. In mere moments he is barreling down the stairs toward me.

He nods to the doorway "Alright let's go"

We head out the door toward Austins car. Austin greets me with a kiss that I return. He nods to Corey as a hello and Corey returns the gesture.

I click on the radio as Austin pulls out of the small driveway and out onto our small street. It only takes about ten minutes before we arrive in the parking lot of Huntington High.

Corey is the first to get out of Austins' fancy red sports car. Austin, being the gentleman he is, comes around to the other side of the car and opens my door for me.

He grabs my bag from the dash and I thank him with a kiss. Rather than let me, Austin carries my bag for me. We walk in the front door of the school and walk side by side through the long hallway. Students of various cliques are scattered around standing by their lockers chatting. Couples are making out in the empty corners. Austin's friends, the jocks, are harassing some innocent freshman boy. Just a normal day at Huntington High.

Austin and I approach the jocks, who greet us openly.

"Austin My man! How's it been? We missed you at the party on Saturday! You should have been there Katelyn Lucas got so drunk she threw up on the pizza delivery guy!" Austen's best friend, Danny, tells him as we walk up.

He shrugs and takes my hand. "Sorry man I had more important stuff to do than get wasted and make bad decisions" he responds. I know he's only saying this for me. When we first started dating, Luke was really into partying. He partied almost every weekend. One night, on a day off from my job at the cafe, I showed up at one of the parties only to find a drunk Austin making out with a cheerleader. We broke up for a short time, but eventually got back together after countless apologies and promises that it'll never happen again.

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