Chapter Two

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Eleanora's Pov
It couldn't have been a full lie that everyone was bustling with a bit of excitement. Not much had happened since the marriages had been announced as well as a few birthdays for the heirs here and there. After I had cleansed myself from the very gross activities from this morning accompanied with my usual tea. I had dressed in the best dark ruby red dress I could find. Me and many other bodies gathered into the large iron throne area.

I found my body slightly pushing between everyone hearing the deep clang of the armor. When I was finally able to see. My eyes grew wide of the sight, was this the same Daemon who had left all that time ago? Everyone was so used to his long locks cascading down his back. Instead his white hair was cut short, it suited him and his eyes well.

He had a make shift crown on his head, undeniably he always had been handsome. I cracked a faint smile my fingers moving across my sleeves in motion, finding my eyes looking away for a moment. Family matters would always be family matters wouldn't they be. A day in this family nothing normal ever happened to anyone.

"Daemon you remember your younger cousin Visere don't you? Hasn't he grown he has not one but two wives." My mind was adrift into the clouds holding my wrist behind my back, I swayed slightly moving around the gathers of people. At least the two brothers could make up in their own peace of mind.

Visere tipped back his mug with a quick nod of his head, looking away from Rheanyra, he grabbed Elise's arm urging her to his side with a head nod in a chuckle.

"Yes yes, I've had a pretty successful marriage this is my first wife Elise Herein, and my second wife is her sister Eleanora Herein." I avoided eye contact for a moment feeling Daemon's eyes flicked from one person to the other.

"Ha! so I see my cousin couldn't please one women but not even his second as well?" The harshest snort left me, choking lightly tilting my head to one side. I couldn't help the laugh that tore through me clearing my throat trying my best to hide the smile on my lips.

"I think I'm gonna go look at those banners welcome back my prince." I stated through my snorts, holding my wrist I descended down from the green hill quickly. I had never heard anyone actually put him in his place before, it was amusing in a way I could get use to seeing.

I found my body had moved from the rowdy activities staring up at all the new banners hung over the stone. I kept my head tilted up, before hearing a small clearing of the throat. I tilted my head towards the figure in confusion before bowing my head a little on his way.

"Hello Prince Daemon I take it your travels were pleasant?" I raised my head for a moment in time feeling his purple hues following my eyes.

"Eleanora correct? I remember my cousin marrying Elise I was at the wedding. But you, I just remember you as her younger sister. Tell me what is the pleasure of you marrying my annoying cousin?" I found my eyes shifting down at the grass for a moment in amusement clearing my throat as I spoke to him some more, finally being able to look him in the face.

"My sister can't have children, so they are hoping to get one out from me. Although that won't be happening any time soon no." He tilted his head to one side in a motion before he lifted his fingers tracing it over the faded scar in place.

"And I'm here to guess that in one his very childish rages he slashed you did he not?" I found my eyes trying to look right back down at the ground, just to feeling my chin was tip up firmly by the firmness of his fingers tilting his head even more at me.

"Correct he gave me the scar yes, he was upset about something. I don't truly recall when but it was a year ago. He likes to call me the ugly one because of it, I'm not very liked in my marriage my Prince." He frowned intently his back of his knuckle slightly tracing over it a couple times.

"He's always been an annoying little cunt hasn't he? I'm still in shock, like jaw dropping." He suddenly laughed out dropping his head down for a moment, his body shaking with each laugh that left him before he tilted his head back up to gaze at me.

  "Don't be discourage by a little boys tantrum, you are gorgeous in your beauty, your scar gives you character Eleanora, thank you for your warm pleasant welcome back." He dropped his hand down to pick up my own hand lifting it up pressing a kiss to the back of the brown surface smiling over the surface.

"I hope to see you much more, it would keep me entertained in the presence of your husband and sister."

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