Chapter 16

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Sunpelt catches up to Foxpaw both of them panting from the run.

"Why can't we just love each other?" asks Foxpaw running his tail along Sunpelts body.

"Out of every cat, I thought my father would understand the most" meows Sunpetal pushing his nuzzle against Foxpaw.

"I feel like I could run for moons with you beside me" Foxpaw meows.

"I feel like that too" Sunpelt meows rubbing against Foxpaw.

"Then let's run, together, forever" Foxpaw meows rubbing against Sunpelt giving him a lick below the chin.

They start running, and running, and running, never stopping no matter what. What's going to happen when we have to go back to camp Sunpelt thinks.

* * *

"Foxpaw stop!" yowls Sunpelt somethings's wrong he thinks.

"What's wrong, are you tired?" asks Foxpaw looking all over Sunpelt.

"I think we ran a little too far, I don't recognize this area" Sunpelt meows.

They both look around checking the area.

"Hello" meows a light tan tom stepping out from a bush.

"We didn't mean to trespass" meows Foxpaw.

"My name is Shellstar how may I help you?" the cat meows.

"Are names are Foxpaw and Sunpelt" Foxpaw meows.

"A paw and warrior, you guys have been running by the look of it" meows Shellstar stepping closer.

Sunpelt moves to stand in front of Foxpaw.

"A little protective of the paw isn't he?" asks a brownish tom stepping out of a bush behind Shellstar.

Foxpaw leans close to Sunpelt and whispers in his ear.

"SkyClan by the scent of it"

Sunpelt rubs his tail along Foxpaws back.

"We should chase them off" growls the brownish tom.

"Now Cedarstep we may not have to do that" meows Shellstar beckoning Sunpelt and Foxpaw forward.

"So ThunderClan cats, what are you doing here?" Shellstar asks.

Sunpelt looks towards Foxpaw. He nods and Foxpaw nods back.

"To keep it short me and Foxpaw-" Sunpelt points his tail towards Foxpaw "Are mates but Riverstar snapped at us, so we ran and just ran" he meows.

"Come with us back to our camp" Cedarstep meows.

Foxpaw looks at Sunpelt and he nods.

"We'll come for a few sunrises" Foxpaw meows.

"Come on then" Shellstar beckons Sunpelt and Foxpaw with his tail.

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