Violet Evergarden x Reader: A New Recruit Pt.2

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Hello. First of all, my goodness, an entire year since I updated this? That's wild. You may want to reread the first part for some context and to refresh yourself on the story. But it's not required. You're your own person, do what you want.

Italics: The thoughts of the person speaking/ the current POV.

Bold: Actions, Set changes, POV switches, etc.

Normal: Descriptions, Exposition, etc.

"Quotes": A character talking.

Story Description:

Y/n, a refugee in an invaded neighboring country is left with no choice but to join the army at 14. There, under the command of Major Gilbert. They meet someone in a similar boat. A girl, younger than him, was forced to join as well. Violet Evergarden would be the name that was given to her.

Pt.2 "A Weapon, through and through"


*Höheberg Advanced Development Proving Grounds*

*Y/n's POV*

Following the week after the successful counterattack, the girl taken in by Major Gilbert Bougainvilla and under the care of Lance Corporal Y/n L/n were taken to Höheberg. Particularly due to High Command's request that an investigation be conducted to further explore the capabilities of this enigmatic girl.

Director Friedrich: "It's no use going to such lengths to find the capabilities of one single girl!" Spoke up a single voice, stern and strict. It clearly had agitation and annoyance filled throughout it. "There are plenty of other tasks that need tending to, what makes her so important? What, she broke through the Empire's lines? The army did that! Not some lone girl!"

This erratic man that me and the girl, along with one other were following, trying to keep up with their fast walking pace was Chief Development Engineer Herrick Von Friedrich. The Director of Development and Testing at Höheberg. He was a tall, scrawny man with short, unkempt white hair, clearly matched the description of a mad scientist or doctor in a couple of books I had read.

Assistant: "According to a Naval Captain Bougainvilla, Sir... When she was first discovered, she managed to hunt down his entire unit. All armed, and she killed them all."

Dir. Friedrich: "Sure, she may be capable, but there's no way a single person's going to break this stalemate!" Continuing on, not breaking pace, he pointed over to the horizon where a large mountain range spread all across the north, "As we speak, the Salbert army's digging more and more tunnels into the moutain range. Which makes relieving our forces being besieged in Intense that much harder! The proving ground's meant to develop weapons to fight that, not- test this girl!" Motioning to her as he said the last part.

 Which makes relieving our forces being besieged in Intense that much harder! The proving ground's meant to develop weapons to fight that, not- test this girl!" Motioning to her as he said the last part

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