Ch. 7~Two Personalities..?

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//Speed walking down the sidewalk// "I'm going to freaking be late for school!" //Reaches for the door and swings it open as someone behind it also opens it with force and causes Jaiden to drop her books// "Shit."


"Oh, I'm sorry..." //Kneels down to help her// "I didn't see you coming in.." //Smiles breathtakingly at her//


//Stares at him in a daze, but shakes it off with confusion// "Whyy are you acting like you don't know me?"


//Tilts his head in confusion// "I know you.." //Looks down at one of her notebooks and finds her name// "Jaaaiden... Jaiden.." //Looks back up at her and smiles//


//Stares at him, not finding any amusement// ".... You're very funny.." //Quickly grabs her books and stands up//


"Hoooold on.." //Stands up and faces Jaiden who looks annoyed// "What's my name..."


".... I'm pretty sure you know you're own name—"


"Refresh my memory~" //Smiles as he crosses his arms and gives his full attention to her//


//Looks at him in wonder as she hugs her books// ".... Beck—" //His face crutches up in confusion// ".... Are you confused?"


//Puts his finger on his chin, thinking// ".... So youu know me... But i doon't know you..."


"You don't know me.... Really?... Beck, whaat is wrong—"


//Sighs and suddenly laughs in disbelief as he passes his hand through his hair// "I'm... I'm sorry, you might have gotten me confused—" //shakes his head, dismissing the problem// "Just... Nevermind—" //Quickly rushes away//


//Looks back at him turing the corner// "... Okay?" //Slowly turns around and walks inside the building in confusion//

//Hours later//

//Walks towards her usual lunch table while holding her lunch tray then sighs as she sits down// "There's noothing like a good PB&J sandwhich—"


"I think i know what else is.." //Sits in front of her// "Hey there~" //Takes her apple from her tray and bites it// "Mmm... You pick nice apples~"

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