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Ok so before we start the story a little info on how the human au works. The star isn't just something that can erase all the mind of everyone on earth it is like a every explosive bomb if you have ant more questions ask and i will answer.

TW:bombs, mention of murder(?).

Lunar's POV:
I was just sitting on top of sun's little house in his room, my room? I don't know is it my or sun's. I guess it my now cuz sun isn't here, so my little house In my room eclipse was doing some thing in his room I think? And I had nothing to do it's so boring in our rooms.  I leaned back looking at the wall behind me it was a plain wall nothing special. I filped over on my stomach and look down at the floor, I saw at the floor and saw what look like a hatch, it was about half the size of the house I was sitting on. I hopped down of house to look at the thing. I pulled the handle up, it reavlied a ladder thar lead down so deep that I  couldn't even seen the bottom. I wanted to go tell eclipse but my curiosity got the better of me and I started to head down.

When I got all the way down I was meant with a big door with a very high tech lock. It looked like it had a face Id on it, I just let it scan my face, well Moon's face, and the door open. The room, well more like lab had a very modern vibe with a lot of tech and a huge Portal, it was off and I doubt that I could turn it on. I decided that I shouldn't try to do anything with anything that looks dangerous, I know how mature of me, but maybe I could find some important info on the star or just one sun and moon. Or I could find info on me or eclipse, it's always a good time for self decovery.

First chapter out yay I hope you like it I will try to update as soon as I can

Word count:373

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