Chapter 3

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Sorry about the art I know it's bad Hi I know it's been like a month so sorry about that buy you know mental health problems and school stuff1.but I'm here. I know that the sun and moon show post daily and km not going to address any of that it do not exist so sorry :(. Anyways back to the story I hope you have fun.
Eclipse POV(oooo different)

I was doing very important work, I think was important I don't know if it worked, when lunar crawled in my room yelling "ECLIPSE I FOUND SOMETHING IMPORTANT" Why did I make him again, oh yeah cuz the last one failed but why did I make him so loud  "Whatever it is go find it yourself and make sure you don't bother me with it" I really don't care  what he has probably a new game or something because any normal person screamed at the top of there lungs saying how important it is about a game, that makes perfect sense.
"I won't let you down brother" "I'm sure you won't" he's totally going to let me down I wonder what he going to get you know what I don't care.

Back to lunar's POV again

I ran out of eclipse's room and put the address in a GPS and went off to the place. The GPS lead me into a very lage froset, all the leaf were on the ground and it was starting to get dark, it was given horror movie vibes, probably a method to scare people off. 

I was starting to doubt the tracker, I've been walking for almost 4 hours and I the GPS said I still had 3 hours left of walking but the area did look like a place no one would in so it would be a good place to hide something and it is pretty far away from the daycare so moon had good reason to hide it out here.

After 3 hours the GPS said I had arrived, the place I was in was a totally random forest in the middle of Germany, a very random place but I think that was the point. I think the best thing to do is to start digging. Almost a half a hour of digging I hit a mental door that's good I think. I opened the door to see a ladder,this is the second trap door I been down today how fun.

This disappointment of a chapter took me two days for a three hundred word chapter I hope you like this I hope to go on more of a schedule so more chapter yay! The next chapter will be out some time this week or early next week. I hope you all have a good day :)

Word cout 471

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