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Jaune Arc is having the worst luck in the history of Remnant. He saved his bully Cardin Winchester from getting killed by an Ursa Major, and instead of a "thanks for saving my weak pathetic ass from turning into a shish kabob Jaune". He revealed Jaune's fake transcripts to the school and now he's the center of bullying from most of the students when the teachers aren't there. The ones who don't bully him are mainly the Faunus of the school that respect him for not treating them like they're members of the White Fang. At least he still has friends like Ruby Rose, even if her half sister Yang Xiao Long beats him for going anywhere near her. Blake Belladonna reveals her past to Jaune and trains him in hand to hand combat with Lie Ren. Nora Valkyrie always thought of him as a big brother, and Pyrrha Nikos always had feelings for Jaune and would want to hear his past what happened to him. The teachers and the council see the potential in the young Arc, and decided to let him stay in Beacon.

Right now he was about to go into the Emerald Forest to let off some steam when his scroll goes off. He checks it to see that his father, Johnathan Arc is calling him. He takes a deep breath, preparing himself for incase he gets disowned from the family and answers the scroll.

Jaune: Hello?

John: Hey son, I heard about what happened over the semester.

Jaune: I know and... (sigh) maybe you were right. I wasn't ready for this. I'm sorry.

John: No son, I'm the one who should be sorry. I thought I could protect you and your sisters from any threat out there. But after you left with the family sword, I realized I was only pushing you all away by being too overprotective. Once Ozpin told us from the Initiation all the way to you saving that kids life, we couldn't be anymore proud of you. Despite being untrained and belittled by others you never let it get the better of you. You kept pushing through and progressing on your own and never gave up. I couldn't be anymore proud of you.

Jaune was now on the verge of tears. Hearing his father say he's proud of him is the best thing he's heard since Pyrrha confessed her feelings for him and they became a couple.

Jaune: Thanks dad, That means a lot hearing you say that.

John: I'm glad to hear. And I want you to promise me something. Promise me you'll be a great huntsman, and show the world that if you put your mind to it, you can move mountains.

Jaune: Of course dad. I'll show them all! Arc's word!

John: Alright Jaune, I gotta go. Your sisters are wanting me to finally train them to be warriors.

Jaune: Alright, bye dad.

John: Bye son.

Jaune hangs up the scroll and is about to go into the Emerald Forest when he hears a voice behind him.

???: Don't think you're going to kill Grimm without me jaune.

Jaune looks behind him to see Pyrrha walking towards him all geared up and ready to fight.

Jaune: Not that I don't like seeing you Babe, but what are you doing here.

Pyrrha: I want to fight with you. Is that too much to ask?

Jaune: Okay then, let's think of this as a training date. We fight as many Grimm as we can and the one with the most kills wins a dinner from the loser.

Pyrrha: Deal! I can't wait to have more of your delicious cooking.

Jaune: Let's have some fun.

The two head straight to the Emerald Forest and fight so many Grimm with strength and ferocity.

The two head straight to the Emerald Forest and fight so many Grimm with strength and ferocity

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