chapter 6 :day 7:

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Weezy wishful walked through the royal hallways as she walked and saw the many butlers along the way to her mother, the daughter of the len family. The filly got to her mother in time, but to hear the confrontation between her and her uncle, her servant. Weezy watched behind the door as they argued.

"If it's not real, then how do you explain the blood rain, the murder of another pony, a group of bullies being burnt by darkfire, or even the disappearance of fillies!? If all of this was not real then none of this would have happened!"

"Silverblade has found no proof of this! And why should he believe it!?" her mother asked

"You shouldn't listen to that greedy bastard!" her uncle argued, "He roped and caged many mares before, he has even made the worst rules to follow, like 'don't believe in imaginary worlds and people' or some shit, to the good people out there who were right all along despite the proof they have! He even blamed dogwood for worshiping daybreak and he almost got her roped and caged in prison! He's the stallion living in a fantasy, not us! He even scammed the prisons, stores, the price tags that said free! He deport legal immigrants out of terra steed, he was racist towards herosapients, he threatened that those who try to be friends with another race would be put in the death penalty! He even caused everymare to become religious extremists! He is not a good president, sunny len, he never was!"

Sunny len starts tearing up, and she started to sob

"Look, I'm sorry, dandelion len, I don't wanna risk him destroying the home we live in, I'm the mayor of this town. And my own people outside are blaming me for something that he's making me do. I don't wanna risk him taking you, or wheezy away from me. And if what you're saying is true, then I would gather the troops without him even knowing against those boogeymen whatever they are."

"But there aren't enough troops that we could make against the mob." Damien len said.

"We must try, servant. I swear we must try."

Weezy heard everything and she ran to her room, to grab a copy of the book of terra steed. Went into her closet, and she flipped every page and she saw the last book of the book of terra steed, the book of gold.

She reads it, and it tells a horrifying and tragic story of the prophet Lilly gold. She reads part of the book, even though she has read it before.

"And who is't art thee, the enforcer hath said, yond I might not but boweth so base to thee? only a mare of a different coat hast seen the truth of what thee've done.

mine own descendant, the mare of nod, shall seeketh vengeance upon thee 'long with this world, enwheeling the blood of children, in a coat of coal-black 'r bones of sky blue, shall carrieth a sword as black as the black sky with a rune on the blade with a sky blue gloweth on the blade coequal if 't be true the lady swings t.

her army of the vast amount of armoured horrifying monsters of shadow with the weeping, gnashing of teeth, with different like a toad, ugly and venemous and grotesque shapes and sizes, shall cometh from the shadow realm to wipeth out all life in this world,

darkfire shall raineth down from the sky, the moon shall turneth red, and the stars shall disappeareth from the night sky, with twenty-eight years of darkness with nay lighteth, and 'twill bringeth, earthquakes and vulcanos rising from the did grind 'long with the living dead from their graves. nay survivors shall beest in the sight of daybreak.

the nightfall shall cometh in ten days in the future yond I has't seen. On the first day, the sky shall raineth blood from the sky to destroyeth crops from those wherefore harvested for food.

on the fifth day, the children shall disappeareth in the night, and the mothers shalt mourne for the loss of the children those gents birth'd. the tenth is at which hour t cometh.

desire is not hath lost, however, for the did mark warriors alpha and omega, brother and sister, shall beest hath sent by daybreak to defeat the mare of nod and a new prophet after i kicketh the bucket shall guideth thy descendants into battle.

and as I kicketh the bucket from the want of food thee giveth, may gala has't mercy on thy souls"

Midnight mares: the nightfall part 1Where stories live. Discover now