Pre Covid Wedding Rewind

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Chapter One: Pre Covid Wedding Rewind

Jason tried to unobtrusively spit sand out of his mouth, as Diego and Nate kissed for the first time as a married couple.

"Stop fidgeting," Kyle frowned, annoyed, while everyone clapped and cheered.

"I hate the beach," Jason whined softly.  "I don't like sand.  It's coarse and rough and irritating -and it gets everywhere."

Kyle rolled his eyes.  

They stood up, clapping with everyone else, as Diego and Nate walked down the aisle between the chairs carefully set in rows on the beach.

It was a cold, February afternoon. Valentine's Day. But way warmer here, in Santa Cruz, than back home in Seattle. These days Jason was frigid, scuttling quickly from his heated car to their heated home in Issaquah, just east of Seattle across Lake Washington. It was frosty and occasionally snowy in their spot in the Pacific Northwest, so an overcast day in California, in the high fifties, was still practically summer weather.

Cameron walked behind the couple, and Jason and Kyle both waved. Cameron grinned, waving rapidly, but before they could step out to join him, the smaller man was swarmed by three preteens, and his own husband. Together they walked up the beach to the parking lot, as the event stagers started folding up chairs.

"You'll get to talk to him later at the reception," Kyle snorted at the look of disappointment on Jason's face.

"I know. It's fine. Let's get going."


The reception this evening was held at an Airbnb that the Freemans had rented, just next to the beach. The two men approached the huge house, holding hands, Kyle smiling up at his husband.

"Fancy," he murmured and Jason had to agree. His own parents were fairly well to do in Seattle, and so were Kyle's out in North Bend, but the Freeman's were in a class all their own.

It was practically a mansion, with lights blazing from every window, as the sun slowly set over the ocean. Nate and Diego, their parents, and Cameron were in a receiving line by the front door. Jason picked up the pace, wishing the people in front of him would stop bothering Cameron so he could speak to him.

Finally he and Kyle made it to the members of the wedding party.

"I'm so glad you got the time off!" Cameron hugged Kyle. "I was worried you guys weren't going to make it. What a night, right?" He gestured into the home, where there were people with champagne glasses in hand.

He and Kyle made small talk for a second, while Jason tapped his foot, impatient. Finally, Kyle moved forwards to speak to Nate and Diego, their camping buddies of old, and Jason finally got his turn.

"Hi Jason," Cameron said warmly, reaching up, Jason immediately bent down to fold Cameron into his arms. He squeezed a little tighter than was probably acceptable, but Cameron squeezed back just as tightly, then lifted his face to smile up at his friend.

"Back off, Jefferies!" Diego snickered, moving down the line to rescue Cameron from his former math teacher. "Hands off my best man." He literally pulled Cameron out of Jason's arms, putting his tuxedo coated arm around the smaller man, holding him closer to his own body.

"Our best man," Nate said, shuffling his parents out of the way in order to loom on the other side of Cameron, gently pushing Jason back with a finger, all in good fun. "Not yours." To Jason. "Ours."

"Don't listen to these cavemen, Jason," Cameron teased, pinching the newlyweds simultaneously. "I can hug whoever I want, dorks."

Ryan appeared suddenly, putting his arm around his husband's waist, moving him subtly away. Nate and Diego stuck their tongue out at the older man, and went back to their spots in the line, knowing that Cameron was in good hands.

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