Women Do Exist

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Chapter 27: Women Do Exist

(Just not until the middle of this chapter)

Jacob emerged from his car like a frenzied jack in the box, running straight into the house, Oskar's journal close under his arm. He bypassed everyone in the living room and kitchen, as close to a dead run as he could, bursting into Lewis' bedroom. He tossed the book onto the dresser and full out jumped onto the bottom bed, landing heavily on Lewis and Manny.

"I missed you!!!" Jacob moaned dramatically, rubbing his body like an electric eel over and over on his boys with little regard for the safe placement of arms or legs. "Let's never never be apart again!"

Manny actually giggled and both other boys froze, entranced.

"That was so cute, do it again, Manny," Jacob begged, shifting so he was facing the tallest boy.

"I've never heard you do that before," Lewis tried not to smile but couldn't help it. "It really was cute."

"Shut up," Manny snorted, purposefully pitching his voice deeper than normal. "You're both imagining things." He tried to sit up, but was pressed down by two others in the bed, legs tangling.

"Nope. I need some kisses since I was banished for almost three hours. I thought I might actually die!!" Jacob made fish lips at Manny, who pushed him away, giggling again, making both Lewis and Jacob connect, smiling.

"See, this is better. Much better. Now we're happy." Jacob lay flat on top of both boys on his back, arms outspread. "I promise not to stick my dick in Manny's ass as long as you say I can be the peanut butter in your American sandwich. You both are the bread, I'm the sticky part in between. And don't look for a sexual reference in that, because there isn't one," He shook his finger upside down in Lewis' face. "I just mean we belong together. Don't shut me out again, please Lewis? I promise I'll be a very good boy and keep my dick only for you. I know the truth is that you love me so much that you can't imagine sharing ME with anyone else. Sorry, Manny, Lewis knows how hot I am and is super possessive of me. So we can be special sweet boys and touch each other, my darling Manuel, but my dick is a one man band so to speak, I guess."

Lewis snorted. "You wish. And people think I'm crazy."

"What?" Jacob flopped over heavily, his tone going from playful to dramatically seductive, laying flush on Lewis, jamming his hips against him. "You don't want this inside you, right now?"

Lewis actually blushed bright red, making both Manny and Jacob grin. Both of them knew better than to outright laugh. Instead of teasing, Jacob nuzzled Lewis cheek with his, leaning over a little to repeat the moment with Manny. He rolled in between them, putting an arm around both boys, snuggling them close to him.

"See, isn't this better? I make a great imitation of peanut butter, holding us together."

Jacob was very grateful to see Lewis' level of comfort, even putting his hand on Jacob's heart. The Swede blew a puff of air on his face, then turned to Manny who's hazel eyes spoke of his quiet happiness.

It wasn't going to be easy, waiting to be with Manny. But he would do it, and hope that in the end, he could reassure Lewis enough to make their threesome a little more balanced.

"I meant what I texted." He decided to take it down a little and get serious. "I do love you. I love you both."

Manny kissed Jacob's fingers, his voice silenced, making the Swede frown worriedly.

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