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Chapter Twenty Two:  Homecoming

"Let's go to town and have a fika." Jacob suggested, watching Jason and Manny play chess.

He was definitely more of a get up and do something kind of guy. It seemed too beautiful outside, warm and sunny, to stay in doors, and chess wasn't his favorite board game at the best of times.

"I think it's boring too," Lewis said quietly to Jacob. "But Manny loves it so just be patient."

Manny looked up, disappointed. Jacob and Lewis both instantly backpedaled.

"Not that you're boring, just sitting here is boring. You are so smart, Manny. And handsome." Lewis stammered.

"I'm great at checkers. We should play checkers. Or we could just go to your room and fool around. That would be okay too." Jacob grinned sunnily.

Instantly Jason and Cameron's eyes met. "What?!" They both said simultaneously.

"Oh. Nothing. We just decided to be a threesome. It's nothing." Lewis muttered. "Well, I guess we decided. I'm not sure I decided. Jacob decided. And since he kissed me, I guess It's true. Manny says Jacob is my bonus gift. Which means I have to share Manny, but I hate sharing. And I didn't even get to have sex on my own with him yet. Kind of. I mean sex with three people probably isn't bad but...." He continued to whisper under his breath as Jason's face drained of color.

"Manny? I know I told you that you could have two boyfriends, but I didn't think you'd follow my advice so...quickly?" Cameron wasn't sure if he should laugh or get upset.

"How did you do that?" Jason turned to this new boy, this Swedish lacrosse player who'd squirmed his way into Lewis and Manny's relationship in less than two days.

Jacob sat back, shrugged, taking Manny's hand in his, Cameron's brother flushed pink. Then Manny stood suddenly, avoiding Cameron's eyes, and moving briskly back to his room, Lewis trailing behind him, still muttering under his breath.

"Because it's fate," Jacob said offhand to Jason as he followed his new friends.


Inside their bedroom, Manny sat on the bed, shoes off, and Lewis sat next to him, holding his hand. Jacob came in and leaned against the closed door, watching them. He was not unhappy at how fast this had all escalated.

"You have to flirt with us more," Lewis decided to be brave for both he and Manny, since his tall boyfriend had gone mute with worry. "You can't just kiss us or fuck us without flirting first. Manny brushes my hair. Which may sound stupid to you, but it feels amazing. Manny likes when I touch him softly. Sten stacks rocks and my Uncle Jason is rude. That's how they flirt. Nate never stops touching his husband. The Angel doesn't have to flirt; he just exists and collects men and has sex with them. And they become his devoted slaves for all eternity. My Uncle Kyle tried that but it doesn't work for him, at all. Because his heart is black and dead. You flirted with Manny using sports and with me using food, and I guess it worked. But it's only a start. We need more than just flirting. Manny and I became each other's secret keepers. We listen and care about each other. We help each other when things are hard. If you want to be with us, you need to do that too."

"I promise I will help you when things are hard," Jacob vowed, crossing his fingers over his heart. Then giggled (in a manly way) and waited.

Manny blinked.

Lewis shrugged, confused.

"Are things hard right now? I'm happy to help." Jacob said again, leering.

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