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Authors POV

December 24 1901

In the Philipines

War with America break out in this times.

Katipunan's POV

Our home town has been attacked what should we do,I have no gun with me.

Katipunan:Mga anak dito!?(My sons come,over here!?)

Perla:Dun daw mga anak.(Let's go there son's)

We are on panic it happened all the sudden. Maybe someone leak the information.

Del:Phil Okay ka lang?(Phil are you alright?)

Philip: Im fine kuya.(brother)

Del:Your glowing!?

Philip: Huh?

Del:Papa!Philip is glowing!

Katipunan:Talk later run for now!?

We run to the deep forest and it was getting darker we need to set a camp.

Katipunan:I think we're safe here let's set camp.

Del: Papa!Phil is still glowing!


Perla:Come here Philip.

Philip:Okay po mama.(Alright mama)

Perla:Sa tingin ko magpapalit siya ng kulay.(I think his changing color)

Perla:Its okay,everything will be fine.

Katipunan:Let's get back tommorow.

Del:Sayang pasko pa naman po bukas.(Its so unfortunate it will be Christmas tomorrow.)

Perla:Its okay anak will celebrate tommorow.

Perla:After we fix our house tomorrow.

Del: Okay po Ma.(Alright Ma)

The Next day

Katipunan: Let me go first so we can make sure its safe there.

I walk away and check if their still there.

I got back at our town and to my shock they targeted my Katipunero's
Only about 2,but life is so important for us.The Americans are all gone.So its safe to come back.

*Go back to Perla*

Katipunan:Its okay to come back.

Perla:May nangyare bang masama?(Did something bad happen?)

Katipunan:Umm,nabasa mo iniisip ko hun,Oo merong dalawang-  namatay.(Umm ,you red my mind hun,yes two of them died.)

Perla:May mga nasugatan!?(Is anyone injured.)


Perla:Alis na tayo kaagad!?(Let's go now quick!?)

Perla:Alis na tayo mga anak!?(Lets go now son's!?)

Hahaha Im so lucky to have someone like her she always priorities the injured ones.

We celebrated Christmas Even after what all happened.

Philip's POV

I was only 3 when Americans are attacking us,I got trauma on getting ambush.So I learned how to fight at early age.

May 5 1914

At U.N. High School

Philip:Okay,Its my first day I can do it.

As I walk at the school I can see all the potential kids to be leader of a country.

As I walk more finding my classroom I saw someone is getting beat up.

He has a moon and star or sun in his face,I need to help him.

I run over there and push the guy.He has many stars in his face I dont know him.

Philip:Hey stop it!

I said it in a polite manner.

?:What you gonna do about it Xiǎo nánhái(little boy)?

What did he just say?I dont understand.

Philip:Fight back of course!

He stared and laugh,and the next to him laugh too.He has one big star in his face.

?:Hahahaha funny joke,do you even know who you talking to?

Philip:Uh no and I dont care just leave him alone.

?:You serious? HAHAHAHA

?:The names China dont forget it Xiǎo nánhái(little boy).

*The bell rings*

China:Ill get you next time Xiǎo nánhái(little boy).

China:Lets go N.K.(North Korea).

*They walk away*

Philip:Are you okay?

??:Yes thanks to you,Terima kasih.(Thank You)

??:Im Malaysia by the way.

Philip:Im Philippines,Philip or Phil for short.

Malaysia:Nice to meet you Philip.

We shake hand for the first time and I think hes my first friend.

Thank you for reading and ill work hard more for the story.Pls support me tnx.༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

-600 words-


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