Chapter 7 - The New Country Masters

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Philip's POV

After we graduate Principal U.N. recognize us as a new country masters of our country.

Mister U.N. is the leader of all country master his opinions are all neutral and fair to all.

*Got home to Philippines*

The country is is very quiet.

As if the war vanished.What happened while im gone.

As walk more the people where hiding in their houses.As if their all planing something.


Someone point a gun on my head.I know for sure its someone I know.

Philip:You didn't even recognize me?

?:Huh?Wait Philip!?

Philip:I just study there for 15 yrs,you didn't even recognize me Kuya?

Kuya Del:Philip!?

He hug me tight.I hugged him back.

Kuya Del:Sorry a lot of things happened here since you go abroad.

Philip:Anong nangyare?(What happened?)

Kuya Del:Dad is injured and his cuts were deep,di namin alam ang gagawin!(,we don't know what to do!)

Philip:Take me to him before its to late.

Kuya Del guide me to dad.

Kuya Del:None of our medic know how how to treat this very deep wound.

His wound was so deep.

Philip:How did this happened!?

Philip:Don't worry dad you're gonna be fine.

Philip:Kuya call the avalable medics.

They prepare the materials and I started the surgery.

His shoulder wont stop bleeding.I clean all the blood in his shoulder and check if anything is damage.

No bones were fractured great now time to stich the wound,two layers of skin was cut thats why no one dare to touch it one wrong move will cause more bleeding.

1 hour and 30 minutes later

Philip:And finaly done!

Kuya Del and Mama make a sigh of relief,as I layed down on the cold floor I only just got home and many has happend already.

Then I get out of the house and saw many filipinos outside.

Katipunero 1:Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!(Long live Pilipinas!)


Katipunero 1:Mabuhay sa bagong Panginoon ng bansa!(Long live to our new Country Master!)

Lahat:Mabuhay Panginoon!(Long live Master!)

I was suprissed by this,but how did they now?

Philip:What's going on Mama?

Mama Perla:Anak ko nagtagumpay ka,randam namin na ikaw ang bagong Panginoon ng ating bansa.
(My child you succeeded, we all feel that your our new Country Master.)

They all bow to me including my brother and mother.

Philip:I promise with all my heart that ill make a better future to our country.

They all stand up and say it one last time.

Katipunero 1:Mabuhay sa bagong Panginoon ng bansa!(Long live to our new Country Master!)

Lahat:Mabuhay Panginoon!(Long live Master!)

In my head

Martial:What's our first plan?

Philip's Mind:We priority the needs of the people first.

Martial:By the way ask them who is their current Pressident.

Philip:Who is your current Pressident kuya Del?

Kuya Del:Our second President is Manuel Quezon.

Philip:Where is he now?

Kuya Del:At the secret house.

Philip: I'll go for now monitor dad okay?

Kuya Del: I'll go with you let Mama handle that.

Philip:Okay let's go.

The filipino go back inside their houses.

As we go by I notice many things changes.

Philip:So many have change since I was gone.It change for the better.

Kuya Del:Although we are still fighting America.

Philip:Now that I notice some how americans are inactive.

Kuya Del:True thats why we advice the citizen to stay alert.

Philip:I feel like somethings bothering the americans what is it?

In my head

Martial:Maybe some country want to invade our country.

Philip's Mind:Yes maybe someone powerfull than them but who?

Martial:Maybe a new Country Master is already making a move?

Martial:I suggest that is one of the possibility.

Philip:Maybe someone is interfering the americans?

I said to Kuya Del.

Kuya Del:That might be the case we observe them,some of the americans hate in hurting the pilipino's.

Philip:Was that even possible?

Martial:Wait what!?What did he say?

Philip's Mind:He said some of the americans care for pilipinos.

Martial:That's possible.

Philip's Mind:And you were not suprised!?

Martial:Not all americans are the same,same to us not all pilipino hates america.

Philip's Mind:Now that I heard that maybe your right,maybe it's their government not the people.

Then we made it to the secret house.

Kuya Del:Miguel!

Miguel:Yes bakit!?(why!?)

Kuya Del:The Country Master is here.

Miguel bow when he saw me.

Miguel:Masayang araw aking panginoon.(Happy day my Master.)

Heya guys hehehe if your Pilipino you already know this,so our class today is suspended because of a typhoon😏🤭so I made this chapter hope you enjoy bye guys.🥰💕

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