Chapter 12 - Japan's Invasion

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Philip's POV

1 month later

After months of preparing I give the clothings to Carter to bring it with him with the allied soldier friends.

We are ready to take over.

We are ready to take over

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3 days later

Talking to Carter in the radio.

Philip:Are you in?

Carter:Yes im with my friends now.

Philip:Good get ready for my sign.

Carter:Ready to start sir.

Philip:Okay soldiers today we fight!

Philip:Today we will fight for our country!

Philip:Today we will face our fears!

Philip:Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!(Long live Philippines!)


Philip:Para sa kalayaan!(For our freedom!)


Philip:In the position everyone!

A large airplane pass by.

Philip:What the!?

Philip's mind:That's not the airplane of the America.

Philip's mind:It's more high tech no no it cant be!

Martial:Its Japan.

Calls Kuya Del.

Philip:Kuya evacuate the people an attack is coming.

Kuya Del:Okay im on it.

Ends call.

Carter:Sir theirs a visitors here at the base.

Philip:Report the events.

Carter:Sir Japanese people are here.

Philip's mind:I was right.

Philip:Any casualties?

Carter:No casualties sir.

Philip:Ready your troops.

Carter:Yes sir.

Carter's POV

End call.

What in the world is happening.

Carter:Get ready troop!

Carter:It's Country Master's order!

American Soldier's:Sir yes sir!

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