Part 2 : this is new..

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*author Perspective*

Jungkook still contemplating going to ask to sleep on the couch, and you still relaxing amongst your infestation of plushies and pillows, the night seems to be off to an okay start!

*Jungkook perspective*

I should probably just go tell her yeah? why am I struggling over this? all I'm asking is to sleep on the couch as my bed is uncomfortable..but what if she got it just for me? 

kook, stop thinking about this. just go tell her.

walking over to her room I hear her sweet giggles. i could stand here and just listen the whole day. i finally found her after all this time, and here I am, hiding, listening to her sweet giggles. 

turning the corner, tapping on her open door, I smirk, trying to look sexy. i was smart to wear my pjs, since she is too. Comfortable is a good feeling when you live with someone, so we have skipped the awkward passing in halls and such.

she looks up, pausing her show.

"yeah? everything ok?" she sits up, looking as calm as ever.

"yeah just wanted to ask if you had any extra pillows or blankets, I would feel a lot more comfortable in the lounge if that's okay?" jeez I sound so formal. need to loosen up a lil.

"uh yeah if you're okay with them being colourful? if you can't already tell I'm a little obsessed with cute things haha~" that laugh again, shivers...

"yeah no worries, I'm good with anything, the sheets on my bed just aren't really cutting it haha~" damn it-

"I knew those sheets were crap, mum said they were 'top quality' but I thought they sucked, but I guess you agree. ill help you get set up on the couch no worries." shes so cute, so understanding.

*Y/n's pov*

I stood up to get some blankets from my cupboard when I notice him admiring my room.

"sorry haha, forgot you were coming. i would've been a little more cleaned up if i'd remembered. but oh well.." I start rambling to stop him from seeing the mess. 

i kept rumaging through my cupboard until I had a handful of pillows and blankets all ready for him.

"here, if you need more, I have plenty." I say, moving back towards bed.

"uh~ if you don't mind me asking, where is the lounge?" shit..i forgot to show him around.

"oh yeah...haha sorry I'm really tired I completely forgot you didn't know your way around.." I turned towards the door, showing him what was behind all the doors and where everything went to.

i eventually helped him set up a bed, it was way to colourful for him I understood, but he seemed so happy, even thanked me heaps which was nice~ fuck stop it butterflies.

i told him i loved him~ {Jungkook y/n fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now