part 14 : k..kookah~

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All of the photos used in this chapter and those before are not mine. Either taken from Pinterest or friends.

*author pov*

Jimin, lying on the floor, lifeless. Taehyung holding you, handkerchief in your mouth, obstructing your words. Jungkook, waiting, pouring himself, and 3 more glasses of wine.

*Jungkooks pov*

She couldn't wait any longer. I didn't even get to put a good impression on her before showing her my true colours. Y/n is going to hate me. But this is a lesson. Not only for her, but for her friend.

I'm over my soulmates friends trying to kill me. It always leads to me killing them.

I pour myself, taehyung, yooni and Joon a glass of wine. To calm our nerves. I barely got to fuck this one, and I'm already close to having to have her removed.

She knows to much about me already. I can't believe i passed over her best friend so easily. I should have noticed he knew me, well, knew of me.

I just, glanced over his profile. I couldn't be more stupid. This can only end one way, his death, or his story will go global. Even though he has no proof, there will be doubt and sales will go down heavily. Yoongi will have to let go of me in the business and our lives will have been ruined.

So now, i convince her to tell him that it wasn't real, it didn't happen, or he's dead.

*Y/n pov*

Starring at the door, i watch two handsome men walk through it

Starring at the door, i watch two handsome men walk through it

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I stare at the taller one, who's starring at me

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I stare at the taller one, who's starring at me.

"Is this the chick you were telling us about? Why is she all tied up like that?" He walks over to me, squatting right in front of me. Teary eyed i try make him feel something to tell them to untie me.

"What happened to her being your soulmate? Her being tied up like that makes her look like your slut." He stands up, walking to Jungkook.

"Untie her, she looks ill-willed. Bring her over for a glass." He gestures to the seat next to him, patting on it. This is when Taehyung releases his grip, and i try standing up, but my legs fall from beneath me. This is when i réalisé how scared i am.

i told him i loved him~ {Jungkook y/n fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now