Part 5 : He...knew?

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*authors pov*
The to besties make their way to the meeting room. What they weren't expecting, well let's see...

*Jungkooks pov*
(Before y/n got to building)

She's so ansy to get out of the car, shes figeting and won't settle. As soon as I stopped the car, she ripped off her seat belt and ran.

I panicked, was she scared of me? What's so important she needs to run like this??

"Y/N!!" I yelled after her, worried.

"DONT FOLLOW ME GO BACK TO THE CAR" she yelled back at me.

So i went back to the car, turned on my music and waited.

_2 hours passing_
Where the fuck is she???

Is she hurt or something? I've texted her on the number she gave me and she hasn't answered. I'm getting worried.

*Y/n pov*

This meeting is the best!!! There are sooo many hotties, plus Mr. min himself.

This Taehyung keeps giving me looks. I might talk to him later ☺️☺️☺️

This meeting has gone on for longer than Jimin thought, it's like 4am.

I hope Jungkook went home, don't need to bother him waiting.

Anyways, back to the meeting.

My phone chimed in the middle of the handsome Mr. Taehyung making a statement, which made me feel horrible.

"Is it important?" God his voice is heavenly...

"Uh yeah actually, it's my roommate~" i pick up the call and walked out of the large glass door.

"Y/n are you ok? You haven't answered any of my texts. I'm with yoongi and said you left then to take a phone call. was that this one?" he's...with Mr. Min? or is there another yoongi?


also love that #3 on spunky rating lmao thanks a lot and hope you all enjoy more!

i told him i loved him~ {Jungkook y/n fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now