Chapter 10

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I wake up with a nice feeling, the sun already shining through the curtains. Despite the information I gained from my dad about the shadow that lured upon my past, my life I felt good and at peace. While I was driving home from the Vision yesterday evening, I thought really hard about what I would do with all of the information.

I have no intention to seek for my mother, but if my sister wants to get in touch with me and my dad, I'm open to a conversation. However, I don't get a feeling of digging into it myself and trying to find her. Now I know I have a sister, it didn't give me the thought of missing her because in my memory I was always alone with my dad. It was tough at times as dad needed to work a lot, but I was a happy child and the moments we could spend together were the best.

We went to parks, zoos, playgrounds, museums, and everything a child loves to do. He cooked my favorite meals, and we played so many games at home, so if I think about it I've never missed my mother. I was never sad, even when my friends did have a mom and a dad. My dad was in a way also my mom, even when I got my period he helped me through it, and told me everything I needed to know. We weren't ashamed of any complicated or weird conversation because I was used to him so much.

I sigh and take my phone from my nightstand, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. Another five minutes until my phone starts ringing, so I have time to jump in the shower for a quick one. Tossing the sheets to the side, I walk into my bathrobe to the bathroom. I undo my pj's and get under the shower, waiting until the water is hot enough to enjoy the water touching my skin.

Quickly, washing my hair with my favorite honey-smelling soap, I get out of the shower pulling on my bathrobe before going back to my bedroom. I toss my worn-out jeans with a black top out of the closet onto the bed. Getting changed at high speed, I could high-five myself for being ready in fifteen minutes. I run down the stairs while making a messy bun with my still-wet hair. It's nice still having wet hair when it's going to be a hot day to get to work.

Dad's sitting in his bathrobe at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper from yesterday. I smile and approach him, planting a kiss on his bald head. "Mornin," I say while seating beside him, taking a cup of coffee he already made for me.

"Good morning, sweetheart." He smiles up at me. "I thought to make your coffee because today is such a big day for you." He says and I look at him a bit puzzled.

"A big day?" I ask him confused.

"Today you're getting your results from university, right? Or was it next week?" He asked, now also confused.

I struggle with a small smile and fidget with my fingers. "I uh, yeah it's today. I'm pretty excited." I struggle to find the words. I had to stop my classes because of my dad's condition. We couldn't pay it as well, but I don't regret my decision back then. My Uncle tried to help, but he just started his business back then so all of his money was already in his business I didn't have a choice but to back out and start working.

"You don't need to be nervous, sweetheart," Dad says warmly, gently caressing my hand that was laying on the table. "It will be great, you'll see." He adds proudly.

I nod shortly and take a big sip of my coffee. Looking at the clock on my phone, I stand up quickly drinking my coffee before setting it into the sink. "Ellen will be here in five minutes," I inform dad, quickly writing a note for her that I'm going to work until four.

"Ellen? What is she going to do?" Dad asked bluntly.

"Dad she helps me with chores and if you need some help with something. Today you can go shopping with her, maybe you can help her cook something?" I explain to him while taking my purse from the kitchen counter.

"Okay, okay." He waves me off a bit annoyed.

"See you later, dad," I say before making my way out of the house, shutting the door behind me. For a while I rest against the doorframe, my eyes scanning the streets. Sometimes, I think I will go straight to hell for lying that much. It hurts always making stories or just lying in his face, but it's what the doctor advised me to do. If I would always tell him he's wrong or let him relive things from the past, things that he doesn't know anymore, things that hurt him there's only one thing I can do and that's trying to establish a nice environment for him even if it's a lie.

I'm mopping the terrace floor with a special product for wood. I think he has ten different products for every specific tile or wooden floor. I could feel sweat dripping from my back and I couldn't be happier than to wear something black where it's less noticeable. With the back of my hand, I wipe the sweat from my forehead. The sun is burning on my skin at the moment and yet I get shivers. It's probably from the heat and my body is trying to cool off. After ten minutes I blow a loose strand of hair away from my eyes and sigh, observing the view for a brief moment.

"What are you doing?" I hear Nick's voice coming from the inside.

I turn quickly, a bit surprised by him as I haven't seen him the entire morning.

"I'm mopping the floor?" I tell him with a grin.

"I can see that, but is it necessary for you to do it now? It's too hot to clean outside." He says a bit annoyed. I can't understand this man. If he says it needs to be cleaned up once a week then I do so as I was ordered to do warm or not.

I look at him a bit puzzled. "Get inside, outside can wait." He says, closing the glass door shut.

I roll my eyes and take everything inside with me, the cold temperature inside the penthouse greeting me.

Nick sits at his kitchen counter at the high table looking at his phone. When he notices me rummaging in my purse for my bottle of water, he calls me. "Please, get a seat, I'll take you something cold to drink."

I hesitate for a moment and lay my bottle back inside my purse. "You don't need to bring your beverage. The fridge is full of food and water so take it. Do you want some fruit?" He asked now calmer than before.

"Thanks, something to drink will be nice," I say and make my way to the kitchen, getting seated on the high seat.

He pours a large glass of lemonade and I take it from him our fingers brushing against each other. His hand felt very warm no wonder because it was so warm today.

"If you want to take several small breaks in this hot weather, I don't mind you doing so." He says, seating himself across from me. His phone light up and he looks at it, turning his phone upside down on the table.

"I'm good, thanks. If I can drink something from time to time I'm good." I inform him with a friendly smile.

"Okay," he says with a smile, his eyes scanning my face. Probably he noticed me sweating and I immediately wished I had put on some deodorant before seating across from him. I hope I don't smell too bad...

"When I'm not here and it's hot outside you can always turn up the air conditioning, I don't mind," Nick says and I nod shortly. I'm not sure if I will do it when the time comes, but I appreciate his gesture. I never thought he would be so caring.

Unfortunately, I met him under different circumstances and he's different from other people but when I'm here alone with him I feel he tries to be nice and make effort for me to keep me here. I'm not sure why as anyone would want to clean for him.

First: he's good looking and second: he pays very well. That's why I put up with his crap with that woman or else I would be gone, but I really need the money and he lives close to me. I think we try to work with each other and so long he's making nice efforts I will do my best to keep a high standard and give him a clean house to come home into.

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