Chapter 39

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Nick filled the room with ease, his body towering above me, making me gulp from the intensity. In reaction, I grabbed my bra and dress from the ground and rushed to get dressed. I'm not sure why I feel like I was caught considering I wasn't cheating on him. We don't even have a relationship, but he storms into the room and the energy alters dramatically. I knew I'd be in trouble the instant he laid eyes on me.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing with her?" He yelled at Eli, who stood with his mouth agape, unsure how to react to the man storming into the room. Nick's look appeared murderous and out of control. Like a mad animal, he snatched the camera from Eli's grasp and flung it in the corner near him, shattering the mirror with one swift motion.

"Do you think you can take pictures of her without my knowledge?" He shouted again, making me cringe, but I quickly controlled myself and approached him. Why is this his problem? I decided to do this. It's not up to anyone to decide for me.

"It was her request," Eli said, feeling apprehensive.

I move in between Eli and Nick, my body brushing against both of them because Nick is so near to Eli.

"Eli, will you leave us for a minute please?" I asked without looking away, my attention fixed on the absurd man in front of me. Did he genuinely believe his actions were normal? He just shattered a pricey camera, not to mention an enormous mirror. If he wants to hit Eli, he will strike me first. I'm not sure if he cares about hurting me in the process. When I think about it, I realize I don't know him well enough. The fact that he has an ego and has sought women for pleasure was not new to me; however, aggressiveness and violation were never an issue before.

"Are you sure?" He asked softly, making Nick even more upset.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Nick answered sharply, fixing his focus on Eli behind me, his fists balled in anger.

Before things got out of control, I established some space between them and led Eli to the room's entrance. "I'll be fine," I reassured him. "Will you leave your information behind, so I can contact you later about your camera?" I asked him after hearing Nick's footsteps behind me. Eli simply nodded, and I could tell he was sad at the mess he got himself into. Maybe it was all my fault because I pulled him along in the first place. I was reckless and never considered Nick would spot me.

Eli glares at Nick one final time before leaving the room. I take a deep breath before spinning on my heels to face him. He stood across the room, hands pocketed in his jeans. It was silent for a while, and I contemplated what I should say to him, but I was only disappointed and angry. The way he stared down at me was worse than the scene he created a few minutes before. I hate people looking down on me...

"What were you thinking?" He asked in a serious tone. "He's a filthy snake." He added in a gloomy tone.

"No, you are the snake!" I retorted. "Did you have a nice time with your ex?" I muttered in dismay, feeling fury rise in every cell of my body. This has cut right through my core. Him cheating on me hurt more than Devon's breakup with me, and we were in a legitimate relationship.

His severe expression revealed a hint of astonishment. "Yeah, now you're silent right!"

"I saw you make out in that room like a sneaky bastard! Did you really think you could get away with this because I'm a simple plain, nice girl who needs you? You're wrong. I don't need you!" I roared in anger.

POV Nick

The words crashed down on me, striking my iced heart. She doesn't need me...but the truth is I want her and if I have to fight for her, I will. She's all I ever wanted, desired and I see it clear as day now more than ever.

I never intended to kiss Lucy, but it was the only way I could distract her and give myself some time to clean up the mess I'd made. I also collected a hair sample from her because I required her DNA.

Security warned me someone was in my private room at the club and I had to know it was her. He or she had been drinking from my bourbon, and I needed her DNA because she was the first person I believed would try to sneak around the office to blackmail me or do something else.

Today I received a text from her in which she claimed to know who I was dating and threatened to wreck her life as well. I had to come and find out what she actually knew. What happens if she finds out it's her sister? She is aware of Mila, as she has previously addressed her, but not in a positive one. Lucy wants nothing to do with her or her father. I'm sure her mother is horrible and has spoken negatively about her sister and father, and I'm sure when she discovers it's her sister, she'll go insane, as she usually does when something gets on her nerves.

I wanted to tell Mila the truth, but I couldn't. She would never forgive me for what I had done.

"How did you find me?" I inquired instead of making amends.

"I'm here with Louis and Ben." They urged me to join them. Did you honestly believe I was stalking you? She asked angrily.

"This is not a normal club, Mila." "I don't want you to come here, these people..." I attempted to explain myself, but she interrupted me by striding toward me with her index finger aimed at me.

"I can go where I want with who I want!" She yelled. I've never seen her like this. She's lost her mind, and I know it's entirely my fault. She must be feeling bad about herself, about us, and about the whole scenario.

"I don't want you to come here, do you understand me?" I made myself clear to her. It wasn't the place for her. They will try to entice her into doing something she would regret. She does not like men staring at her, let alone seeing her naked. I would go insane if I ever saw her like that again with that photographer. Seeing her in only a black tong, her breasts large and proud in front of him, was an experience I couldn't describe. Something animalistic seized over me, and I had to restrain myself so that I didn't ruin the man's face with my fists.

"You don't own me!" She snapped as she stepped backward toward the door, attempting to leave as much space between us as possible. "Don't follow me, Nick!" She continued, but when she spun on her heel, a piece of glass got under one of her heels, causing her to slide and fall to the ground. Her knees hit the floor, and traces of glass surrounded her, causing her to wince in pain. I quickly helped her off the floor, noticing a trace of blood rolling down her leg, leaving a small quantity on the ground.

"God Damnit," she hisses in despair as she examines her injuries. As fast as I could, I unbuttoned my shirt to stop the bleeding.

"Here," I hold her with one arm and press my shirt to her bleeding knee. I picked her up in my arms without her consent because she required paramedic assistance. As soon as she was in my arms, her fist landed on my chest.

"Stop, before you hurt yourself." I snapped, frustrated.

"I hope one day you'll sense the same pain as you made me feel!" She snarled, and little sobs escaped her tormented body. Her words seared deep into my soul, and in my twisted thoughts, I wished she would break me even more because I deserved no less. I wanted to hold her, kiss her, and tell her I would never hurt her again, but I knew I couldn't. The treachery she witnessed was one thing; the lies and secrets were something else. How could I explain to her she was merely a rebound but turned into so much more?

It wouldn't be easy to leave the room and the turmoil I had created. I realized I had made a huge mistake, and I didn't know what I could do to make things right with her. As soon as my eyes met hers, I had a gut feeling that she would either break me or mend me.

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