Chapter 36

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In the mirror, I look at my little black dress with a slip. How did Louis get me to travel this far to attend a sex party? At first, I reluctantly disobeyed him. Since I've always been more reserved when it comes to having sex partners, regardless of the kind of sex that is possible, the idea initially repulsed me. I only know vanilla, and I love that flavor because it feels safe.

"Are you ready to rumble?" Ben joked as he teasingly brushed his shoulder against mine, waking me up from my chaotic thoughts.

"No, I think I will never be ready for this," I told him earnestly with a sly smile.

"We don't have to do anything." He assured me. "Besides, what would you have done the entire night?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "Now we can have a laugh and maybe learn something," he informed me with mischief.

"I was going to watch a movie or series." I answered him directly. I imagined myself lying on the sofa with something unhealthy in one hand and, in the other, something with alcohol. Luckily, the alcohol will come in handy tonight, as I'm going to need it for sure as I prepare myself mentally.

"That's so boring," Louis answered as he skillfully walked past us as some sort of model. His white see-through shirt and black leather pants were a sight to behold as he stopped in front of us in a sexy pose, showing off his beautiful new eye shadow.

"I like boring. It's safe," I whined, pouting my lips. "By the way, you look hot." I grin at him.

"Of course, I look hot. Tonight we're going to be naughty for once!" Louis exclaimed, prompting me to turn my gaze to Ben, who also regarded me with a broad smile. Sometimes I feel sorry for Ben, who, for sure, has his hands full with Louis. They are so different, and yet they match perfectly.

"I love naughty," Ben said unapologetically, gently patting Louis on the ass.

"Ben!" Louis laughed as they looked at each other with so much lust and admiration.

"Oh, stop it, you two lovebirds. You're way too cute!" I was thrilled for them to find true love, which is so rare nowadays. That's why I love those costume dramas, as the man makes so much effort to get the lady he wants. It's all about determination and mutual respect, and I just can't comprehend why nowadays the meaning of love has changed in such a drastic way. Women don't have self-respect anymore, and men, like pigs, mess around with every woman they can lure into bed.

In an attempt to divert my attention during the car ride, I carefully searched the website of the club named "Devils and Angels," as I hadn't previously had the opportunity to do any research. Louis told me you could eat and drink without doing anything sexual. The floor below seemed okay, according to the pictures. The building inside seemed dark and red, which wasn't a surprise, but the upper floor, where you can't come in with clothing; only slips and bras are allowed, was from another world.

They had a pleasure room and a pain room with BDSM equipment, not to mention separate rooms with beds, bathtubs, and even a lovely sofa. My eyes grow big as I scroll through the images, feeling even more like a prude.

As I pocketed my phone in my purse, I swallowed. This was so out of my comfort zone.

"Don't worry, Mils." Louis said. "We're just going to have a look. Aren't you a little curious?" He asked with a small smile. He must feel guilty for dragging me into his ridiculous idea.

"Of course, I'm curious. However, there are kink rooms with ropes and other stuff..." I said in a serious tone, with a hint of enthusiasm.

"Bdsm can also be soft. Don't expect the worst. Besides, we aren't allowed to go upstairs with clothes on." He beamed.

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