Prologue : After a godly disaster.

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Peace is not eternal. it wont be for a very long time. This is what The Void Serpent thought  as it looked upon the wreckage of all realms except its own. The other realms (besides Chikyu) Were destroyed , ripped apart during what would be known as the first godly war. Wrath had started it all, attacking Love for some petty reason, and soon almost all the gods and goddesses got involved. It took all of The Void Serpents power to stop them in the end, for even Light was cast aside during this war. In the end , the realms were destroyed. With the help of the other gods and goddesses, The Void Serpent relocated all the mortals (and the semi/immortals who were not gods) to Chikyu, which It expanded to fit them all. Unfortunately , Chikyu was not meant to hold these beings and was thrown out of balance. 

The gods and goddesses tried to fix it, but The Serpent would not let them near the world. It would not allow them to destroy another realm. The Void Serpent instead decided to take care of things itself. First, it tried to give some of the weaker beings' power, so they could match the stronger ones. This worked briefly, until the stronger beings began to grow in power faster than the weaker ones could. Then, The Serpent decided to bring in beings from a different realm to help.

 The first ones were strange void surfers, but they were rather violent and tried to conquer everything with mind control. Next was a menagerie of monsters, but they were random and uncoordinated, wild beasts and immortals with their own agenda. Finally, the kaiju were brought to Chikyu. They were true guardians (most were anyway. there was a brief situation with a hidden god in one and another lead a group of destroyers into the realm, but the other kaiju could take it.) protecting this realm from threats. Their leader was the strongest among them and was benevolent to most.  However, a devastating battle amongst the residents of Chikyu left it without their strongest kaijus. So, The Void Serpent looked among the realms once more, before his eyes landed on a suitable replacement for their kaiju. Among others, the one who stood out most was a star-breather called Kaifu.

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