Chapter 23

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I have to find a way to cheer Hannah up. Ever since the night with the hot chocolate, she has been different.

She's looking over her shoulder every second, living in fear of her father jumping out at her. She isn't sleeping, she's hardly eating. I don't know what to do!

I'm waiting for Hannah outside of her second period class (it's the only one I don't have with her and I don't want to leave her alone) and I see a sign on the wall. It's for Homecoming next week.

I pulled out my phone and went online to where the tickets were sold and bought two. I don't know if Hannah will want to go, but just in case, I got the tickets.

Now, all I have to do is ask her.

I shouldn't be so nervous. It's just Hannah. My precious, sweet Hannah.

I knew she wouldn't like one of those big, flashy Homecoming proposals—and I wouldn't either—so I decided to do something more private.

We were sitting on our bench eating lunch. I'd made sandwiches for us. Hannah always loved them and I love making her happy.

"Hey, Hannah," I said. Her attention turned to me immediately. "I was wondering—and you can totally say no if you don't want to—I was wondering if you want to go to Homecoming with me."

Hannah's eyes widened and she looked at me with shock.

"You don't have to say yes," I added sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck.

I never imagined myself asking a girl to Homecoming and I certainly never imagined being so anxious for her to say yes. Dances were never my thing, but the idea of dancing the night away with Hannah in my arms changed my view on them.

"Are you sure you want to?" Hannah asked, casting her eyes down. "People will see us."

She always double checks that I want to be with her or go out with her. I hate it. Doesn't she see how perfect she is?

I gently grabbed Hannah's chin and forced her to look me in the eye so she could see how serious I was.

"Let them. I want everyone to know that you're my girl."

"Y-your girl?" Hannah asked and I realized I'd never asked her.

I grabbed Hannah's hands and touched my forehead to hers. "Yes. I want you to be my girlfriend Hannah. Will you?"

"Yes," she whispered.

I lifted my hand to cup her precious cheek and touched my lips to hers. They were so soft and sweet.

I kept the kiss slow, but I poured all that I felt for Hannah into that kiss. I want her to feel what I feel for her.

I pulled back slowly and Hannah had a blush on her face. It was so stinken cute.

"Does that make you my boyfriend?" She asked, not quite looking at me.

"Yes," I told her. "I'm all yours."

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