Chapter 20

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I looked at the intimidating building in front of me.

"I can't do it."

A warm hand encased mine and I looked up to its owner. Bradley smiled down at me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You are so strong Hannah. I know you can do this."

I couldn't, but I had to. The school called and said if I didn't come back, I wouldn't be able to graduate. I didn't have a choice.

And I knew if I stayed home, Bradley would stay with me and I couldn't be responsible for him not graduating.

Taking a deep breath, I took the last few steps to the door. Bradley opened it and the minute we stepped inside, the bustling hallways went silent. Everyone's eyes were on me and that's when the whispering started.

"That's her! The girl with the criminal dad!"

"I heard her dad beat her up."

"I bet she deserved it."

"She's just looking for attention."

"I bet she knows where her dad is."

"I can't believe she showed her face here."

I felt tears fill my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. I just walked past the gossiping students and went to my homeroom. I sunk down into my seat and pulled my hood over my head, hiding from the cruel teenagers surrounding me.

I felt eyes on me the whole period and I couldn't have been more relieved when the bell rang.

I rushed out of the class to find Bradley waiting for me.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded and rushed off to Mrs. Morris's class.

I didn't really pay attention in class. To be honest, I was too deep inside my mind to know what was going on in the outside world.

I wish I didn't have to be here. I hate the feeling of everyone's eyes on me and hearing the whispers about me.

I survived three years here without most people noticing me, and now suddenly I'm the center of attention. It makes me feel nauseous.

It was finally time for art class with Mrs. T.

I thought I would get a break from the teacher apologies and the pity, but Mrs. T came right up to me.

"How are you doing?" She asked, sitting down next to me.

"I'm fine," I said, hoping she would leave it at that.

Mrs. Topaz sighed and looked at me with that awful pity in her eyes. "I wish you had told me," she said. "I would've helped."

I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my notebook, feeling uncomfortable.

"You're not staying home all alone are you?"

I shook my head. "I'm staying with Bradley."

Mrs. T raised an eyebrow and smirked at me. "And how's that going?"

I shrugged my shoulders, not wanting to reply.

"If you need anything, you come to me, ok?"

I nodded and Mrs. T got up and left.

It was sweet of her to check on me, and I knew she truly cared—unlike the other teachers who were just doing it out of obligation—but it made me uncomfortable. It was just more attention.

The bell rang and I looked down at my journal to see the page blank. My pencil had hovered over the paper the whole class, but not once touched down.

I shoved my art supplies back into my bag and went out to lunch.

Bradley was waiting on our bench and I sat down next to him. He pulled two lunch bags out of his backpack and handed one to me.

"Thank you," I said softly and opened up the bag.

Bradley made us each a turkey sandwich which were ridiculously good.

"How are you doing?"

I was about to answer when we were interrupted.

"Hannah, so good to see you," Sabrina's chirpy voice came. She was so fake it made me want to gag.

I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut, preparing myself. When I opened my eyes, Sabrina was standing in front of me and Bradley.

"So, I was wondering if you are going to homecoming," she said to Bradley, twirling her hair around her finger.

Bradley shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe."

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me."

My heart dropped at Sabrina's words. I couldn't stay with Bradley if Sabrina was going to be around all the time. I'd have to go into the system until I turn eighteen and who knows where I'd end up!

Bradley's hand squeezed my thigh and brought me back to reality.

"No," he said to Sabrina.

"Bradley," she purred, trying to convince him.

"I said no Sabrina. I'd rather eat a cockroach than be stuck with you."

I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at his statement. Sabrina scoffed and stormed off.

When she was finally out of sight, I burst out laughing, along with Bradley.

"A cockroach?" I choked out through my giggles.

Bradley shrugged. "It's true. Eating a cockroach sounds way less gross than going out with Sabrina."

I sighed and leaned back on the bench.

"Did you really think I was going to say yes?"

I turned away from Bradley to hide the blush on my face. "I mean, she's really pretty and popular. I wouldn't have blamed you if you had."

Bradley sighed and gripped my chin, turning me to face him.

"She's not my type."

My heart was beating rapidly as I looked into Bradley's eyes. He was silently urging me to ask him the question that popped into my mind.

"Wh-who is?"

Bradley's hand slipped around to cup my neck and he leaned in. I could feel his breath fan across my face and my body heated at least ten degrees.

"You," he said, and his lips touched mine.

I'd never been kissed before and I was nervous, but knowing it was Bradley melted all my fears away and soon my lips were moving with his.

I wrapped my arms around Bradley's neck and leaned into the kiss a bit more.

Bradley groaned and reluctantly pulled back.

He looked at me with such heat in his eyes and I immediately blushed.

"Go out with me," Bradley asked, although it was more of a statement.

"Are you sure you want to?" I asked him.

"I've never been more sure of anything."

I leaped forward and wrapped my arms around Bradley's neck, hugging him with everything I had. His arms quickly wrapped around me too.

"Is that a yes?"

I giggled and nodded against his neck.

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