Trip through the stars

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(Expiriment 65 pov)

Everything was going down hill I got split up from my friend and now I'm going through space in an escape pod not knowing if I'm ever going to see my friend again but hopefully when I wake up I can find them. Goodnight.

(Autobots pov)

Everyone was having a nice peaceful day in jasper Nevada the bots and their charges where relaxing when they hear ratchet. "Everyone I've got track of a cybertronian escape pod." "Is it autobot or decepticon?" Asked weeljack. "It seems to be decepticon but it may hold an autobot inside." Ratchet replied. "Ok team bulkhead bumbl-" "Prime, the entire team needs to go for this one" ratchet said cutting off optimus. "Everyone you heard ratchet. Autobots roll out." And with that everyone transformed and went through the ground bridge except ratchet he stayed with the kids just in case anyone got hurt the medic would be able to help. When the team made it to the escape pod they realized that it was bigger than prime it stood around 70-80 feet tall. "What do you think is in there?" Said smokescreen well whatever it is it is huge." Bulkhead replied " well what do we do" arcee asked. "We open it and if the thing on the inside is hostile we kick it's aft." Bumblebee said in beeps. "Bulkhead weeljack can you open the pod's door." Asked the prime. "Of course we can." Responded weeljack. Then the two wreckers burst open the door and everyone gasped at what they saw inside. It was a 72 foot tall predicon but it wasn't normal it had a galaxy coloured pattern on it and stars in certain positions that made it look like it had a bipedal form. At that moment everyone stepped back as the predicon stepped out of the pod and transformed. "Hello who are you and are you decepticon or autobot." Asked bee. "I'm Skyrim and I'm not decepticon or autobot but I will join you if you help me in return." Said Skyrim. "Help you with what exactly." Arcee asked. "Help me find my friend he will also come to earth in a decepticon escape pod." Said Skyrim. "And what does your friend look like." Bulkhead asked. "Believe me you can't miss them thier bigger than the trees! But so am I." Skyrim replied. "Ratchet open a ground bridge we got a guest for you and the kids to meet." Optimus spoke through the coms. Not to long after a ground bridge opened and they all walked through Skyrim being the last to exit the ground bridge. "Wow! Who's that! What's their name! What are they! Where-!" The girl was cut off by ratchet. "Miko shut up the yelling and stop asking so many questions." With that the girl stopped asking questions. "Ok so let's start this introduction. Hi I'm Skyrim a past cybertronian expiriment but I got out long before I met my friend who is also a cybertronian expiriment. Our expiriment numbers were 56 and 55. I am a predicon project that ended up mixed with dark energon. The energon is what makes up the purple of my paint. Do you have any more questions?" "Just one. What area of cybertron did you come from?" Asked raf. "I came from Vos and my friend came from the outskirts of Kaon." And with that no one asked or said anything else and went about their day like normal until one day they found another energon sorce coming from somewhere in the Sahara desert.

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