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Rain drizzling, wind blowing whichever way it chooses quite calms me. I had been standing inside the shed, gazing at the rain falling and dark clouds hiding our sky. Mother had sent me out to get vegetables but I couldn't make it back because the rain suddenly fell.

I removed myself from the window and looked around the place that I'm in. It was quite nice. Not that filthy and it wasn't stuffed full like our shed. I picked up a bunch of hay and laid it down, making a makeshift bed because it looks I'll be sleeping here for the night.

After feeling satisfied with my bed, I laid down while gazing at the sky through the window. The rain had stopped after a while but I couldn't find it in me to leave here. I mean I'd be going back to a house of constant swearing and annoying step siblings, so I'd rather be here.

While I was enjoying the serene atmosphere, a bunch of voices arguing disrupted it. I quickly got up and stood near the window when I heard them nearing the shed. They must have thought that no one was there and I wasn't going to disturb so I quickly hid away.

"Let's just dump him here for the night. We'll come back for him tomorrow." A raggedy voice said and I raised my head to see what they were talking about. There were about 5 huge bulky men near the door of the shed and they were surrounding a sack.

"Are you sure that we can leave him here? Won't there be people wondering around here in the morning?" A voice asked and I didn't even find it in me to look at him. All my attention was stolen by the sack on the ground. Was the poor person kidnapped on the street. I mean that wasn't something new around here.

"Don't worry no one comes around this side and if that doesn't assure you, then we'll lock the place before we leave so that no one can come in or out." My hands began shaking after he finished talking. No one comes in and nor gets out. Then what the hell am I going to do? How am I going to go home?

All the men retreated and I could hear the door closing. I got out of my hiding place running to the door. I loudly banged on it but no one came. I mean who would come. It's probably midnight if not one in the morning. It looks like I'm going to get killed or sold with this huge lump. Wait?

There was a window here. If I could just jump out of the window then I'd be safe. Wow you're a genius Zayn. I moved away from the door and went to the window. I tried opening it but it was jammed. I needed something sharp so I looked around for it and that's when the lump woke up.

"Who are you and what am I doing here peasant" I looked at him only to see him looking around the shed in confusion. I rolled my eyes and kept looking for a garden tool or something that can help. A stone was near the hay so I quickly ran to it. Thank you sweet Jesus now I can finally leave.

"Hey you, I asked you a question and you dare not answer. Have you no manners, you peasant." I rolled my eyes and turned to look at the man who was glaring at me. Out of all the people I had to be locked up with, it had to be an arrogant noble.

"Look here mister I am in no mood to entertain you right now. The people that kidnapped you are probably going to come and pick you up soon and that means I'll be dragged into your mess which is something I do not want. So unless you want to be sold or killed, stay here but I'm not doing that." I responded and he looked down. I scoffed and turned around to continue what I had originally intended to do before this idiot stopped me.

I threw the stone at the window and it shattered to pieces. I walked to it and kicked the rusted metal out of the way. Once it was all cleared, I turned to look at the man only to see him sitting down. Why did I have to suffer with him.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked while looking at me and I shook my head and he nodded.

"No I don't know you and I really don't want to know you. I just want to go home and I need to know if you're leaving with me and going back home or are you staying here?" He looked at me and nodded.

He took off his coat and the excessive jewelry on him before walking towards me. I jumped out first and he followed after. I looked out and noticed that it was eerily quiet so the goons were not here. I grabbed the stupid noble by the arm and we ran away.


I love Zayn🥺

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