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When we had exhausted ourselves, we were already near the village but a bit far from my house. My legs felt hot and my whole body asked for rest but I couldn't stop. Who's to say that those men won't come back for us.

"Can't we rest here. I'm exhausted." He sat down and I looked at him in disbelief. Didn't these people grow up riding their ponies and all. Then why the hell does this one have such low stamina. Tch huge ego and small stamina.

After a lot of internal debate, I decided to sit down as well. We just sat there in silence, gazing at the stars. We were lucky because the rain had stopped and the road down the hill wasn't slippery.

"What is your name?" I turned to look at the man only to realise that he was already looking at me. I turned my head away and looked ahead. What did he want to do with my name.

Tiny droplets of water fell from above and I sighed while looking at the sky. It seems like I spoke too soon about the weather of the night. Although I should've expected it, the summer weather of Enchansia was very unpredictable.

I got up and started looking for things to build a shelter because it looked like we would be here for the rest of the night. I had already collected a bunch of sticks and leaves when noble got up and left. Well good riddance.

After a few minutes and being soaked by the rain, I had finally finished my tent and I went inside. I had also prepared a makeshift blanket with the remaining leaves so I could be warm. After finally settling down, I was about to lay down to rest when a shadow suddenly stood infront of me.

"Ah!" A hand quickly covered my mouth and I started struggling more.

"Are you crazy? Why in the goddamn world are you screaming , for heaven's sake you nearly damaged my hearing."

I looked up only to notice that the idiot was back. I hurriedly removed his hand from my mouth and glared at him.

"You scared the hell out of me. What did you think you were doing huh? Standing infront of me like you're some kind of crazy person. I thought you were one of the goons."

"Well obviously I'm not. I'm way too good-looking to be classified as a goon." He said while touching his face as if it was good to look at.

"Sure buddy. Whatever floats your boat." I finished in a coaxing tone and he glared at me. I raised my hands in mock surrender and he shoved me slightly and entered my tent.

"Oi oi what do you think you're doing."

"Sleeping what does it look like I'm doing." He said while grabbing some of my leaves and laying down.

"I really don't like you."

"The feeling is mutual buddy." I turned away and began to sleep. If I had known that this would happen, I wouldn't have left the stables. Hope the day comes sooner.


(I've just currently finished Peach of Time. Does anyone know the number of the screenwriter because I'm ready to choke a hoe😃😃. LIKE HOW TF COULD THEY PLAY WITH MY HEART LIKE THIS. HAD ME FUCKIN BAWLING😡😡)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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