Louis exhausted

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Requested From @Juu_331

Louis's POV

"I'm so tired." I plopped on the couch.

We just got home after a VERY long day of 2 interviews, a photoshoot, recording, and then rehearsals for our concert tomorrow.

"Tell me about it. I could sleep for days." Niall says, sitting beside me on the couch.

"Well don't get too comfortable. We have to wake up at 4 in the morning to get on the road in time for our interview tomorrow morning." Liam sighed.

We audibly groaned. It was just about every night this week we got home extremely late and then had to have an extremely early start to our days. All of us were noticeably exhausted but there was nothing we could do about it.

"I think I'm going to go to bed since we have to get up so early tomorrow." I say, standing up.

My legs had started to shake a bit as I stood up, making me nervously grab the chair beside me for support. I had been on my feet all day since 5 o'clock this morning and now my feet were killing me. Call me old and pathetic if you want but I have been doing nonstop work all week like this and it was starting to catch up to me.

"You good Lou?" Harry asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, just been standing too long is all." I reply.

The boys nodded in understanding. Normally they would be cracking jokes like calling me grandpa but lately they're just as overworked as I am so they know how it feels. I slowly walked to my room and changed into some night clothes and crawled into bed. It didn't even take 2 seconds before I was out like a light.


"Louis, wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Liam standing in front of me.

"You slept through your alarm mate, we gotta leave in like five minutes." Liam says.

I looked at the clock on my bedside table and sure enough I had overslept and now all I could do was put some decent looking clothes and let Lou, our stylist fix everything else.

I jumped out of bed and hurriedly threw some clothes on and brushed my teeth before being shoved out the door to get in the van.
I leaned my against the window and closed my eyes. A dull ache was beginning to form in my head and unfortunately I didn't have any Tylenol on me.

"You okay Lou?" Harry whispered.

I looked at him, his green eyes staring at me with concern. I didn't want to worry the lad, it's not like it was a big deal. I was just tired after all, and a small headache but nothing extravagant. So I just brushed it off.

"I'm fine Haz, don't worry." I smiled.

Harry looked at me with hesitation before letting it go. I leaned my head against the window once again and tried going back to sleep for a bit. After all, we had at least maybe 45 minutes until we got there so I definitely had some time to get a nap in and hopefully sleep off this headache.


I stirred awake as the van hit a large bump on the road causing my head to bang harshly against the window.

"Ow." I mumbled rubbing the spot on my head from where it had collided with the window.

I looked around and realized that we had arrived at the interview. Everyone was getting out of the van already so I quickly undid my seatbelt and followed the rest inside. We quickly got our hair done and were outside waiting to step on camera at any second. By now my headache had gotten increasingly worse and I so desperately wished to just be in bed sleeping. Just one full nights rest would be amazing. Although anything would be better than just a four hour sleep each night to be honest.

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