Harry bronchitis

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Requested by @Midnightmoon437

Harry's POV

I don't know what time it is, sometime past 3 in the morning I know that much. I woke up feeling like absolute garbage. I'm sweaty yet have chills, I can't breathe out of my nose, and I can't stop coughing for the life of me. It's a shocker that I haven't woken up anyone else up considering our bunks are literally right next to each other.

I wiped my runny nose with my sleeve for about the fiftieth time tonight and rolled over and curled myself into a ball. There was no doubt about it I was sick, probably a terrible cold or something, but the worst part is I have no time to be sick right now. We have so much going on for the next couple weeks. It ranges from interviews, photoshoots, concerts, and even a couple signings. I dreaded today's schedule knowing I was gonna be miserable the whole time. I was hoping that maybe I would feel better by morning but I was so very wrong.

Running on four hours of sleep, I dragged myself out of bed at 5:30 in the morning to get ready for our interview we had scheduled for 7:00 a.m. It was at least a twenty minute drive and our stylist still had to do our hair and makeup.
Reluctantly I got out of bed and started the shower, hoping that maybe it would ease the growing headache or at least clear my sinuses a bit.

I stepped into the steamy hot water and relaxed as soon as it hit my back. Unfortunately I didn't have much time to enjoy it so I had to just bathe and get out so the other boys could get a shower as well. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist and went to go find a change of clothes stuffed in my bag. The worst part about bus travel was there was hardly any room for anything. We usually just kept most of our clothes in our bags because it was just easier than stuffing it into a small dresser for all five of us.

I dug through my bag until I finally found a pair of grey jogging pants and an oversized white t-shirt and decided that it would have to do. Our stylist already has an outfit planned for us to change into when we get there so it's not like it really mattered what I showed up in.

I quickly changed and met the other boys in the kitchen area of the bus where they were all chatting away and eating something quick for breakfast

"Morning Haz, you want something to eat?" Liam asks.

"No thanks, I'm not feeling too great." I replied.

"Nice try Haz but you still have to go to this interview." Louis says.

"What?" I ask confusedly.

"Come on we all know you've been dreading this interview because the lady is mean, but we're in this together. There's no reason to fake sick." Louis says.

"I'm not faking I promise! I was literally up all night sick." I defended myself.

They've never accused me of faking sick so I'm not sure what's gotten into them now. I looked to the other boys for help but they ended up siding with Louis.

"I'm not faking." I grumbled, sliding into my chair and crossing my arms.

"It's okay Harry, it's just one interview and then it'll be done and over with." Niall says.

With that the boys got up to leave and head into the van. I can't believe they actually think I'm faking this. It's not like I was even trying to get out of today's schedule, all I said was that I didn't feel well. 

So despite how I'm feeling I followed the boys to the van waiting for us outside. I climbed into the very back and leaned by head against the window. I didn't really involved with the boys' conversation, I didn't have the energy to care at the moment. Every now and then I would either cough or sneeze and the boys would cut me a weird look for it, but no one bothered to say anything. I hoped as the day progressed I would start to feel better, but that was just wishful thinking.

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