Your little toy

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Vegas was fine, just knocked out. He spent the night in the hotel room, with a few bodyguards outside his room and some around the hotel, to keep him safe.

Most things can be bought with money and out of those things humans are the easiest. After all, I promised Kinn I would prepare someone for his needs. And I should take care of Kinn's needs as his boyfriend or x boyfriend, whatever.

" Mekh has arrived sir" Porsche is informed. "Blindfold him and let him in"

As the boy is bought to Porsche. Seeing how he prepared himself, seeing how delicate he looks in his white almost see-through loose shirt paired with high-waisted beige pants.
His lips were a light shade of pink. His cheeks are naturally blushing pink contrasting his fair complexion.

Kinn has good taste. Porsche always wondered, why him. Not that Porsche thinks he is not desirable, he was just not Kinn's type. He is nothing like any of the other guys Kinn use to sleep with. Kinn always answered with how much he loved Porsche and, how Porsche was the most beautiful man in his eyes and the only person Kinn will ever desire.

Those words hold no meaning today.

Porsche wraps one hand around the tiny waist of the man in front of him, tugging him closer. Porsche's other hand slowly placed on the man's lips, his thumb roughly tugging the smaller men's lips, smearing the red tint of his lips.
Mekh is reacting to his touch as he lets out sweet little noise of whimpers and bites his lips slightly.

All Porsche can think right now is, this is how he must react to Kinn this is how he looks when Kinn touches him. And it's pretty enticing Porsche can almost see how Kinn must have taken him. Porsche feels like dying right now. That's how much it hurts.

Porsche places his lips on the other's and kisses him roughly. The kiss was short and rough, he is now moving to his neck leaving bit marks and hickeys. He feels Mekh getting hard and almost whimpering underneath him. Porsche lets go of. Mekh breathing heavily.

The rest I will leave to Kinn, you are his to enjoy after all.

Porsche takes off his blindfold, and Mekh looks horrified. Porsche smirks" what happened, you seemed to love my touch just now" Mekh doesn't say anything he is almost trembling now " relax I will not kill you, You are Kinn's little precious Mekh. You will be sent to Kinn now, I m sure you won't disappoint him, after all, you are the one who kept him company while I was gone."

"Take him to Kinn" Porsche orders

As soon as Mekh is taken away. Porsche opens a bottle of whiskey.
There is no way Porsche can be sober right now, he needs a drink...maybe a few.


It was a stressful day as most of his days are without Porsche. He is not used to not being able to reach out to Porsche.
Even as he took over the minor clan. Most of Porsche's days ended with being in Kinn beside him. For both of them, those moments were like a relief from the nasty world and people they had to deal with every day.

Both Clans became one from the moment Porsche was in power. Kinn knows whatever Porsche does he won't let it affect the bond they have created between these two families.

There's a knock on the door "yes, come in"...
"Khun Porsche's bodyguard is here to see you" .... "Let him in" it's Kao, one of Porsche's main bodyguards, Why is he here, what now Porsche? I sigh heavily I already knew. I would have to pay for what I did yesterday.
"Why r you here at this hour".... " Khun Porsche has sent a gift for you Khun Kinn."
And I see someone enter the room. It's Mekh. Porsche did it as he would. S

As Mekh enters the room and light falls on him. I can see his bruised lip, the shirt barely hanging onto him, and his neck filled with bite marks and hickeys.

I don't have to ask anything, I already know who did this. Fucking Porsche. This is not how you play, you shouldn't have done this babe. " I don't want him near Porsche and make sure I don't see his face ever again" and I m headed out.

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