Chapter 6: Welcome to Wu Yang Hill

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Hey everyone, It's me @AdikpogiDeMesa . Sorry for taking this for so long and i am submitting the revised version of Chapter 6 of the series as i am fixing some errors here, Anyways enjoy the chapter!

BTW in the DeviantART version of this chapter took me Four days to finish the revision after i revise the Chapter 7 on my DA recently (because i forgot to edit/revise the said chapter), but it still worth a shot anyway. Alright, let's get into this!


Katara's Narration/POV:

" Water....




Long ago, the four nations used to lived together in Peace and Harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. And although his Airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world...... Not until one day, when we are close to our victory in the Invasion of Fire Nation's capital on the day of Black Sun, Something went wrong, It was Azula managed to sabotage our Invasion trapping our allies, leaving Me, Aang and our remaining allies to be demoralized after our defeat. How could the Fire Nation knew this and how did they managed to trapped us? How did they invented a new weapon that can kill a bender within matter of weeks before our invasion and how they even managed to capture Half of the World?

Even though, we have a new ally and that is Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, he wanted to convince us that he is not our enemy but rather a friend, I was still not convinced because i still remember all of the bad memories of him in the past months, then I later heared the news about the Fire Nation leading an expedition to the holy Wu-Yang Hill, this believes that Aang in his visions as told by Roku himself that was the World where the so-called Men-in-Green will assist Aang to end the war once and for all to restore Peace and Order in this World, Which i really hoped for and he can finally save the World. "


Insert theme:

Gate ost 09 Kore made no Ikisatsu ~ Avant 

Katara's Narration/POV:

" Sokka and Zuko managed to infiltrated the Boiling Rock Prison and later they discovered that Suki ws there, as well as my father Hakoda and a Japanese man namaed Akira Watanabe, with the help of a Prisoner named Chit Sang, Alongside with their Sky Guardian that was monitoring them at the air, they've successfully escaped to the most notorious prison of all. On their escape Zuko's girlfriend Mai decides to stay behind and imprisoned along with Ty Lee who the latter betrays Azula. After their escape me and my brother was finally reunited with my father Hakoda, on the other hand Aang meets Akira as he explains that he is not from this world but rather from another world, he lives in a country called Japan, a nation located behind the Gate from the Wu Yang Hill. He explains that the Fire Nation attacks unprovoked, however he didn't explains his countries Past atrocities unlike War Minister Qin. Meanwhile at the Fire Nation palace, Azula returns as she mobilizes her own Elite Force consisting of Highly-trained soldiers of the Fire Nation army, only this time our Hideout was finally discovered.... However the Joint-Task Force (Rengou-gun Tougo Ninmu Butai) were dispatched to rescue Aang, me and everyone at the Western Air Temple. " 

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