Chapter Four

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A/n: I accidentally switched from third to first person pov with Harry a little ways in so if it's messed up I'm sorry, I tried to fix it.

I also never watched a live by Harry and Louis so I'm not sure how it works so I based the chat feature and everything off of tiktok live


Their eyes hold each other, emotions raging through the look.

After a few painfully long seconds, Harry rips his gaze from the terrified looking boy in front of him.

Turning back to the computer, his eyes rake through the comments quickly. His brain doesn't register anything besides "Larry", "ship" and "gay". The words flash in front of his eyes, moving too fast to comprehend, each chat being immediately replaced with another. Most are in all capital letters, making him feel like he's being yelled at through the screen.




Harry's mouth drops open, a hot ball of anxiety rising in his stomach. Louis wasn't ready. He didn't want to come out yet. This isn't supposed to be how it happens.

Harry feels the mattress below him shift and he turns his head to Louis.

He's stood up, shoulders hunched with his arms crossed across his stomach. His beautiful blue eyes are filled with pained tears, his lip quivering ever so slightly.

Slowly, he backs away from the bed, away from the screen, away from Harry.

His throat is working double time, swallowing suppressed cries and it breaks his heart.

"Lou..." Harry whispers, moving to stand.

Taking a step towards him, Harry's heart stops when Louis takes a step back.

"Babe?" He murmurs hesitantly, unsure of what to do.

What does he need? What did Harry need when this happened to him? He needed time, he remembers that. But he wants to be there for Louis, to hold him through the pain. Harry wanted that when the sex tapes got leaked, but he didn't have anyone yet.

"I-" Louis mutters, reaching for the doorknob. "I need a minute."

"No! Wait-" Harry rushes to the door, trying to catch him before he escapes.

Twisting the handle, Louis flees from his reach, letting the door slam after him.

Harry stops running, face a few inches from the door. Exhaling heavily, he lets his forehead fall onto the door, miserable with the situation.

He needs to find him, to comfort him and to tell him they'll get through this together. He needs to hold him, hug him close while Louis breaks down crying. He needs to be the one to wipe the tears off his cheeks, the one whose arms he falls asleep in.


That's not what he needs to do. That's what he wants to do.

What he needs to do is let him go. Let him cry, alone. As much as it hurts Harry. He needs to let Louis work out some emotions and come to terms with what happened.

Louis told him what he needs. A minute.

Turning away from the door, he sees the computer laying on the bed still, chats moving as fast as ever.

Groaning, he realizes the door and everything that had just happened was on camera for everyone to see.

He's never doing another live. Ever. Never.

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