Chapter Thirteen

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"Remember, no flirting, or touching, or anything romantic on stage."

"Yeah, we know. We've only been told a million times." Louis rolls his eyes, but feels bad after receiving a sympathetic look from the crew member. He's just doing his job, it isn't his fault Simon's afraid of gay people.

The boys huddle in their usual pre concert circle, arms flung over each other's shoulders and their heads together.

"We all good?" Liam asks, looking at everyone.

"Fabulous." Louis' still feeling moody, which everyone notices.

"You guys should make out on stage or something." Niall blurts out, confused stares boring into him. "I'm not even in the relationship and I'm so sick of you guys having to hide. Just get it over with or something. I dunno."

"Maybe not something that drastic," Zayn says. "but he's right. They're already forcing us into a break, it seems like you might as well come out. You said you want to, right?"

"I do." Louis agrees, nodding quickly. "But I don't want to ruin our careers."

"We're fucking One Direction." Liam exclaims. "Someone else will sign us. Simon would lose millions if he let us go. He won't do it." He says it confidently, but looks around their huddle hesitantly.

"Show time!" A backstage crew member calls out.

"I'm not coming out tonight. But I won't worry as much about hiding it either." Louis decides, taking Harry's hand in his.

Running out onto the stage, the boys wave their hands above their heads, greeting the roaring crowd.

Reaching their mic stands, they make quick height adjustments as the music starts blaring through the speakers. Louis picks up his mic stand and scurries a few feet to his left so he's only a yard or so from Harry, shooting a smile his way, immediately met with a grin just as genuine.


Harry watched as Louis sprints after Liam down the stage, an uncapped water bottle in his hand as he drips from his hair, Liam cackling evilly as he flees.

Harry would love to be affectionate to Louis on stage just as Louis has been doing tonight, but he isn't sure what Louis' boundaries are yet, so he doesn't want to stress anything.

A howl from Liam brings Harry back to reality, laughing when he sees Louis climbing back to his feet after tackling Liam to the ground, pouring the water over his head.

Both boys are in black, so their shirts don't become see through, unfortunately for Harry. He'd like to see Louis' muscular chest.

Suddenly Zayn joins the pair, dumping two fresh water bottles on them before throwing them to the floor and dashing back to the safety of Niall and his guitar.

Spluttering, Louis looks around the stage, locating each of the other boys before his eyes lock with Harry.

An evil grin crosses his face and Harry's eyes widen.

"No-" he mouthes as Louis begins skipping to him happily. He's in a white t-shirt, and wants to stay dry for once.

Wrestling with his mic, he tries to pull it out of the stand because Harry knows he has a solo in the next song. He manages to free it just in time to dodge Louis' wet embrace.

Racing away, Harry hears Louis holler behind him, aware of his footsteps only a few yards back.

Zig zagging has always been the best method of avoiding capture since Louis can outrun anyone. Hopping over the corner of the stage, Harry rushes off the runway and onto the main portion of the stage.

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