Live chat

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<Sunny has opened a live chat>
<Sunny has invited Queen Glory, Tsunami, Starflight, Clay, Fatespeaker, Deathbringer, and Riptide>
Sunny: hey guys! Look at this handy thing I found!
Tsunami: live chat?? dont tell me, its ALIVE and its going to KILL US!!!!!
Sunny: no, of course not!
Sunny: live chat means that the chat updates at live time! like texting!
Clay: whats texting?
Sunny: oh Clay, you have much to learn.
Starflight: This is so strange! I'm getting a bit creeped out; my computer reads every post as it is posted and it's so abrupt!!
Tsunami: daw poor poor Starflight, what ever will you do??? (sarcasm btw)
Clay: what does BTW mean?
Tsunami: oh Clay, you have A LOT to learn
Sunny: anyways!! I made this chat so Glory can talk to us!
Starflight: But... Glory's not talking to us.
Sunny: well, since the live chat is immediate, it'll FEEL like Glory is talking to us!
Starflight: Ohhhh!
Fatespeaker: Huh? what's this?
Sunny: live chat!
Tsunami: hey, when is riptide getting online?
Clay: I don't know
Clay: when is Peril coming?
Sunny: Peril can't be allowed to type until she has a fireproof keyboard :(
Clay: oh
Clay: right
Riptide: Hey!
Tsunami: ay boi
Riptide: ay boi??
Sunny: but where's Glory? :(
Riptide: she might not be online, she's probs busy
Sunny: :(
Fatespeaker: don't worry! let's talk while we wait!(⌒▽⌒)
Sunny: ok! what do you want to talk about?
Fatespeaker: I know!
Fatespeaker: so I saw on tumblr these things called memes
Clay: what's tumblr?
Sunny: you have a tumblr, Fatespeaker?? what's your url? I'll follow you!
Queen Glory: sup
Sunny: GLORY!!!!!
Starflight: Hi Glory!
Fatespeaker: YAAAAY!!!
Tsunami: sup
Riptide: uh
Riptide: sup
Sunny: is Deathbringer here too?
Queen Glory: just a sec, he's logging on
Deathbringer: I heard ya callin!!
Queen Glory: geez Deatbringer, FINALLY you're online!
Deathbringer: I can't believe you're still calling me Deathbringer
Deathbringer: when you should be callin me the dragon of your dreams!!
Queen Glory: What's that smell?
Queen Glory: oh right, it's the stench of cheese.
Fatespeaker: hey Sunny, I'll send my tumblr on your page later, mkay?
Sunny: okay!
Sunny: but wait... what's a meme?
Fatespeaker: I'll show you later. It's CHAT TIME!! O(≧∇≦)O
Starflight: I have an idea!
Fatespeaker: OO Starflight has an idea!! ( ★ω★)
Fatespeaker: (get it? cause the kaomoji has stars for eyes)
Sunny: Haha! I get it!
Starflight: My computer reads that thing as "parentheses star oh (Greek) star parentheses", is that supposed to mean something?
Fatespeaker: o(;△;)o my emoticons don't work for your computer???
Starflight: I'm so sorry!
Fatespeaker: it's not your fault o(╥﹏╥)o
Fatespeaker: it's just that... the author spends so much time looking up Japanese emoticons for me to use!!
Starflight: What?
Tsunami: I dunno man
Starflight: Anyways, my idea was to host online academy courses here!
Starflight: The dragonets who can't attend school can just go here! And we can make Winglet chats and put up lessons on a homepage!
Fatespeaker: YEAH!!
Sunny: that's an amazing idea!
Queen Glory: just so you know I do not understand what's going on for the school but I completely support you guys
Deathbringer: me too!
Riptide: uh
Riptide: me too!
Starflight: I've already made a Jade Mountain Academy page!
Sunny: whoa there you might need to slow down

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