Once upon a time...
In an enchanted world filled with magic, dragons, fairies, trolls, princes, and princesses, there stood a castle on a hill, overlooking the village of Bookend and the endless woods.
A school known as Ever After High.
Children of the famous fairytale characters so many know and love attend their sessions at this school, learning how to fulfill their parent's destinies.
One student, in particular, named Ashlynn Ella, plays the helpless victim of a long-standing grudge.
Let's find out what exactly happened...
Ashlynn's Misfortune
FantasyAshlynn Ella, the daughter of Cinderella, unknowingly drinks a potion that turns her into a donkey. Who slipped the said potion into her bookbag? Who hired those men to kidnap donkey Ashlynn and why? And what's so different about the floral shop in...