Chapter 1

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My eldest brother, Kennedy Valentine, was the previous head butler of the Imperial family. I was just working as a normal butler. My brother had an illness, which of course took his life. He was very close with the first princess, Ceres Cline. She cried more than I. I had a condition, I could not show emotions very easily, so I could not show a sad face. I probably looked uncomfortable with a few tears on my face.

"Hey, Vinny." One of my best friends, Lucielle said. "I'm sorry about your brother.."

"It's fine, I just wish I had more time with him. But being butlers, we had absolutely no time." I said, annoyed. Then, the imperial king, Kallisto Cline, came up to me. Of course I bowed.

"You, what is your name?" He demanded.

"Vincenzo Valentine, your imperial highness."

"My condolences, but you will not have time to grieve. Kennedy Valentine has recommended you to be head butler. It was in his will. Of course, you can deny this and continue being a butler. The choice is up to you."

"I-" I paused. "I apologize for stuttering your imperial highness, but I am happy to accept the position, as my brother wished." I teared up.

"You do not look happy nor sad, so why are your eyes watering?" He asked.

"It is a condition, your imperial highness."

He nodded and continued to stare. I could feel he was analyzing me in various ways. He then walked off with his two guards behind him. He did not have a wife, as she died many years ago. No one knows what race the imperial king was. Whether he was demon, angel, archdemon, archangel, or plain human, no one knew. But he was very frightening. The first imperial prince and the second came up to me.

"You're really suspicious, you know that?" The first Imperial prince, Lucianus Cline said.

"Isn't he, Luci? I honestly don't like the idea of you becoming head butler, but you haven't done anything wrong thus far. Maybe because that Valentine guy was your brother." The second Imperial prince, Rowan Cline, kind of screamed. The Imperial king then looked back and glared at him. He apologized and they all left.

I could care less about the Imperial family. They didn't show my brother any mercy when working him to death. I vowed when I saw his body, that I would take revenge on the Imperial family for him. But then I thought about it again. He wouldn't take kindly to the idea of revenge, especially on the Imperial family. So I let it be. I hated the fact that my brother was so kind, that he didn't like hurting ones that hurt him.

Then, an Imperial guard came up to me..

"Hello, Mr. Valentine. You start today in 30 minutes, we hope you have had proper classes and the acquired knowledge to be in this position. Since you were recommended you will have to over-exceed the Imperial highness' expectations. Good day." He left.

Isn't this great? I thought. They don't care. Not at all. As I went to my brother's previous room, I realized how different it was to normal servants' rooms. It was much bigger, more glamorous, and there was a kitchen in it. He didn't have a bunkmate, it was just a big bed and an actual fireplace. I laid where my brother once had, and started to reminisce of our childhood. It's funny how I, the little brother, had to protect my kind-hearted big brother all the time. My face looked uncomfortable because I was "smiling".

"Well, If I'm not doing anything I get bored, so I might as well cook something light.." I mumbled. I went to the kitchen and changed into an apron. I was a messy cook, but the food was delicious - An infamous quote by my dear brother. Since I felt uneasy, I decided to make a simple spicy tomato soup. I liked spicy foods, even if it was a simple spaghetti dish, I needed some spice. The tomatoes in the castle were thick, juicy and more red than normal tomatoes outside. They were rare but were produced more in the castle, and the imperial servants and cooks were allowed to use them as they pleased. As I cut into the tomato, it squirted immensely on my face, it got onto my apron as well. The door then opened.

"It seems like someone's been in here- Vincenzo?" The Imperial king said. "What are you- Is that blood?"

"No your imperial highness, this is only tomato juice! May Jupiter's stars smile upon you!" I kneeled. His highness nodded slowly and sat at the table near the small kitchen.

"Fix me a bowl." He demanded.

"I-it is quite spicy, your highness.."

"Fix. Me. A. Bowl."

"Y-yes your highness." I said and continued to cook. It was very awkward, as his highness did not speak nor move. I could barely hear his breathing over the stove. Please please please don't kill me. I thought as I served him a bowl of spicy tomato soup. He took a sip and started coughing terribly. Oh god, they'll think I poisoned him! I knew I shouldn't have put that much spice! Who knew he couldn't handle it? "I-I'm terribly sorry your highness!" My face looked really uncomfortable.

"I'm fine- just get me some milk." He demanded. I hurriedly got him a cup of milk and patiently waited for my death sentence. I'll be there soon brother. "Can I ask why you like that much spice?" He said calmly.

"O-of course, ask as you please, your highness! I like that much because I can actually feel the pain of how hot it is. It is something I crave abnormally." I said quickly.

"Slow down, no need to be so nervous around me. I can be serious, but I can also be kind, you know? Everyone can." He mumbled. "Mrs. Gibbs, please leave the room." The head maid left the room. His highness looked at me, as if he truly missed me.

"Y-your highness?" I asked.

"I am truly sorry about your brother. If he had told me about his illness, I would have never let him overwork. If I had seen the symptoms sooner, then I would still have him by my side. So I do hope you do an amazing job as the new head butler. I'm counting on you. And could I have more soup?" He asked, smiling. I nodded, my face looked uncomfortable but I was happy.

"I'm sorry if you get uncomfortable around me, your highness, I have Alexithymia." I said, sadly. My face looked weird, I bet.

"I don't mind, it's cute and unusual." He said and smiled again.


"Father!" Princess Ceres' voice came from behind the door.

"Yes, my princess?" He went to the door and opened it for her.

"What are you doing? You promised we'd eat together!"

"Oh, I was getting to know the new head butler, would you like to eat with us?"

"Oh, yes please! I'd love to get to know Kenny's brother!" She says as she runs up to me and shakes my hands. "Nice to meet you! You are absolutely adorable! You don't look like Kenny at all! Oops! Sorry!" She smiles.

"Nice to meet you, your highness the imperial princess. May Jupiter's stars smile brightly upon you." I bowed and kissed her hand. She giggled as I pulled her chair back. The Imperial king looked kind of disturbed. "I-is there a certain food you'd like to eat, your highness?"

"Hmm, I'd like what you were feeding father earlier!"

"No- Ceres, you cannot have that." His highness said sternly.

"Why not.." She made puppy dog eyes.

"Ah- uh- mmm.. Fine, just- be ready to drink some milk okay?" He nervously said as he sat down. I chuckled a bit.

"Are you sure, Princess? This might hurt.." I mumbled. She nodded excitedly. I served her a hot bowl of soup.

"Could you feed me, Vincenzo~?" She said playfully, of course I nodded since I cannot disobey the Imperial family. I blew the hot soup in a small spoon, and slowly fed it to her.

5 seconds..

10 seconds..

I fed her more.

15 seconds..

20 seconds..

25- "ACKK WHY IS IT SO SPICY??" She drank the milk. "M-more please!"

I gave her some cold milk. She drank it in 2 gulps.

"I warned you, darling." The king laughed. I chuckled and washed the spoon off. I quite like these two. The king looked at me for a while then smiled. It was almost as if he had read my mind. He patted my head, "Clean up, you can start working in my office when you're done." He said.

"Yes, your highness." I said, happily.

I was the head butler of the Imperial Family!Where stories live. Discover now