A Romantic Comedy (Matsuda x Reader)

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Requested by: @Ouran_Honors_Student

"Tell me what movie we're going to see, Matsuda!" you repeated for the hundredth time. You had been harassing the poor man on the genre for the whole of the trip.

"Y-you'll see..." he responded, looking at you from the corner of his eye. "You look nice, (Y/n)."

"You, too," you responded, looking down at your clothes. You had only dressed in a pair of dress jeans, a tight T-shirt, a jacket, and heels.

"So, can you tell me what you want me to buy for us to eat?" He listened to your list and cleared his throat to grab your attention. "I only have so much money!"

"So, what kind of genre--"

"A romantic comedy!" Matsuda finally exclaimed, turning pink as you laughed at the selection.

"Matsuda, you idiot!"

"Is this now a term of endearment, or is it still an insult?"

You took a moment to think about it before shrugging your shoulders. 

"I would never expect a man who works on a police force to enjoy a romantic comedy!"

"My gender and profession don't even influence my preferences. Anyways, there's this really good one. The actor you love is starring in it."

"Ooh, the hot one?" you asked, goofily grinning at the man's expression.

"Why wouldn't it be the hot one?" Matsuda questioned you as he turned the car into the parking lot. 

He bought the two of you a large tub of buttered popcorn, soda, and a few bags of your favorite candies. Grabbing your hand, he pulled you into the room that the movie was scheduled to show in. As the previews were shown, you felt his quivering hand close around yours. With a smile on your face, you popped a few kernels into your mouth and leaned back to watch the movie. As soon as the movie started to play, you couldn't help but laugh as Matsuda's smile disappeared.

"Good job, Matsuda," you whispered in his ear as the first person got murdered.

"Y-yeah...." The dark-haired man cringed at their screams of pain and terror, blood draining from his face. "W-what rating is this supposed to be?"

"It would most likely be R-rated, but the gore shouldn't bother you, right?" 

"We shouldn't be here!"

"You are a grown man. Can you not handle any blood?" you teased as you stuffed more of the buttery popcorn into your mouth.

"Out of all the possible movies, why did it have to be a slasher?"

"You look like you're about to vomit... Do you want to go?" You looked back to the screen to witness another death. "That man just got his head whacked off-"

"Sorry, but don't follow me!" Matsuda rushed out of the screening room, holding a hand over his mouth. You could only giggle, shaking your head and digging out a handful of buttery popcorn kernels. 

As soon as half-time began, you waited outside the men's bathroom until a weary Matsuda peeked out.

"Is it over?" he asked, groaning loudly when you shook her head. "Why is it only half-time?!"

"Matsuda, do you want to leave?" you asked, tilting your head in concern.

"No..." Matsuda looked at your quizzical expression. "You seem to enjoy it, but it's just not my cup of tea. Enjoy yourself!"

"Matsuda, you idiot!" You affectionately kissed him on the cheek as he retreated back into his stall. "After this, we can try to find the right area for the romantic comedy, okay?" 

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