09. Together-Together (1)

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Mom had just left for an office party with Hudson, leaving me unattended with the candy bowl she told me not touch. They were dressed as pirates. I did the whole mom thing and demanded they pose for a million pictures. Until Mom threatened to ground me and I let them go.

When I sent a few of the pictures to Gray, he responded with the puke emoji before asking me what I thought about Mom dating again. The question took me by surprise. Was he actually trying to have a conversation? That wasn't the norm for us in recent years, but I wasn't complaining.

It was the first time in a long time that I didn't feel like a little kid when talking to Gray. We had gone from being on the same team to him being The Big Brother/Dad. He only spoke to me when telling what to do or not do. Those sixteen months between us sometimes felt like sixteen years. Now we had some common ground--Hudson.

Gray still wasn't sure about him, even though he matched him blow for blow during their impromptu movie trivia during dinner the other night. But that was Gray, overprotective and stubborn. I liked Hudson and when I told him as much, he spammed me with eye roll emojis.

I was texting back and forth with my brother and stealing candy when Corey rang the doorbell. The urge to shove my phone in his face and show him that I'd done what he asked and was talking to Gray came, but I held back. After last weekend, when Gray left Corey out of his plans, I had a gut feeling that something was going on between them. Whatever it was, it wasn't any of my business.

He stood on the porch, hands shoved into the pockets of his black hoodie as he looked me over. "Where's your costume?"

I had on my costume--black jeans, black blazer, black converse, and a black and white graphic tee. As costumes went, this one was extremely low-key, which was why Corey's costume was so important. "I'm wearing it," I said, letting him in.

The costume I ordered for him had come yesterday, the package still sitting at the bottom of the stairs. I picked it up, shoving it into his chest. "Now, put this on."

He pulled the costume from the bag. The blue and red fabric dangled between us. His eyes slit at me. "Spider-Man? Really?"

"Yes! If I wear this," I said, motioning to my outfit, "no one will get it. But if Spider-Man is standing next to me, it'd click that I'm Zendaya's MJ. You made a deal, you can't say no." His mouth was already twisting to get the word out before I stopped him.

He deflated, accepting defeat. Reluctantly, he made the trek to the hall bathroom. "Be quick. Liah is on her way."

• • •

Twenty minutes later, we were at the bowling alley. It was set up for cosmic bowling. The lightning was a dim purple, and the lanes were flashing neon colors. Music that was more bass than anything blared over head. The place smelled like feet and pizza.

"You made it!" Myisha, the birthday girl, rushed over dressed as Aaliyah from her "Try Again" video. The lights bounced off her sparkly bra and matching choker. Body glitter shimmered across her arms and chest. She was excited, crushing the three of us in hugs.

She gave us a quick tour of the place, showing us where to rent bowling shoes, where the food was, and where to put our gifts, before someone called her away. Liah put her gift bag down on the table that was over flowing with gifts. Even Corey had a birthday card for her.

"We were supposed to bring gifts?" I whispered sharply. Why didn't I think to bring one?

Corey snorted. "That basic birthday etiquette." I shot him a glare and he backed up a step, an amused smirk on his face.

"Add your name to my tag," Liah said, being the best human on the planet. I grabbed a pen from my purse to do just that.

Corey shook his head at me, walking over to the food table. When he was out of ear shot, Liah whipped around so fast the antennae on her headband almost took out my eye. She was cute in her alien costume--a holographic dress and shimmery silver lips. Her hair was styled in an afro. She even gave herself freckles shaped like stars across her nose. The metallic pencil she used popped against her brown skin.

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